Monday, June 20, 2005

i'm rather a bday girl, or rather i was brought up in that kinda environment. there would be bday cake, candles showing exactly how old u are. tho i onli had my first bday party when i was 20, probably for my mom to make up for the no-show on my 19th bday as i was here in Spore. i received flowers for my bday then (sorry sisters, someone gave me flowers on my bday b4, now then i recall.. hee.. but u gals gave me my first bday surprise.. ;)). hmm..

last week, i shall call it my bday week has been really good. i get to spend time with people who are impt to me. tis week too, i presume. *chuckles.. funny how stimes ppl jus come together n meet up when impt events like bdays or weddings draw near, n not at other times. but it's alright, i guess. i still enjoy catching up with ppl i hv not seen for some time. :)

oh.. something special tho. i get to spend my bday like any ordinary day. hee.. i was at GB camp, n no one there would know that it was my bday. hee.. one cool thing bout being an officer at the camp, which i din realise before, was that the girls would greet me ma'am... *grinz.. feel kinda grand n so formal tt i cant resume my frenly attitude with them, but i guess that was to be observed anyway, this being a uniformed group n ranking n respect is highly commendable. my my.. i actually enjoy that.. hee~

and oooh.. yesterday night i got to learn how to play mahjong after our springroll gathering. we were always talking bout it but never got down to setting up the table, so last night was our first, prob not our last. *grinz.. kinda fun, u know, n FK is such a darling to coach me. hee.. last time whenever i asked ppl to teach me, well, it never came round to that.. but cool.. last nite i got a hang of it, but i hvnt register all the 101 rules yet, not forgetting the hidden *no touching other ppl's shoulders* plus other unceremonial rules. hee.. yes, u hv to observe a mahjong game as some auspicious ceremony.. hehe.. but i'm more there for the fun n the good ol' kakis.. ;)

well, ending off with my thanks for all the bday greetings n wishes i got. thanx ya people. love u guys! :)

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