Saturday, June 11, 2005

I'm proud of myself tis morning. hehh.. i finally made 2x around my neighbourhood. heh.. well, one round covers a distance of ard 4km.. so mb 8km is nothing much, but for me, it's a struggle of mental prowess. well, the reversi technique works. hehe.. i jus ran the other direction the second time, then i wun keep thinking tt it's tiring or boring. haiz.. the last time, i was so beguiled while doing my first round, that it tired me so much to continue for the second one.

oh, n n i've set a challenge for myself for tis coming half marathon. i'll run all the wayyy!.. hee.. for those who dunno, the prev ones, i did them half run, half walk.. so mb if i intend on setting a record of 2hours (personal record, not any world-breaking record, mind u!) then i may as well hv to run thru'out. so heh.. first thing is to hv a strong will power n train hard!!! ;)

had two rice dumplings for bfast. hee.. why do i make mention of sth so trivial? well, it all lies in where the dumplings came from. hehehe... my 2nd bro's girlfriend's mom made them. huhuhu.. now now, i m not the one putting in words k.. the "girlfriend" term came from my mom herself. she was the one telling me that last nite.. n when i queried if that was what my 2nd bro said.. of cos not. *chuckles.. haiz.. jus bcos my bro said he might bring her up for dinner one day.. ahem.. hahaa.. i told my 2nd bro tis morn.. he was so amused. hehe.. yea.. the little happenings in my home. :)

n yesterday evening i finally get to go to the Spore Art Museum again - my 2nd visit, i think. i really wish i can flip thru the sketches of the 1st artist's books on display (i forgot his name!). so nice to see what kind of notes/sketches he would take down. haiz.. i might seem a little nosy to some.. hehe.. but this is the kinda thing i like to do. thanks Sin for the tour, n Andrea for the company (nice seeing u again!!! n yes, i type frivolous things on bloggie too.. :P), n of cos warm welcome-back *huggies* to Fongky! it was a most enjoyable evening with good company.. *wink wink* at FK. :P

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