Wednesday, June 15, 2005

i'm TOUCHED!.. ahh.. tt's the word. i din know how to describe my feelings then, but yeps, touched it is then. ;)

sister Joy asked me out for dinner today (ie. Tues nite), n it wld b her treat. n this is uncommon cos last time she treated me too. we went to try out Turkish food at Shaw Tower. heh.. it seems that she had a voucher, jus like the last time when she treated me at Mandarin Meritius Hotel. my sister is always blessed in getting such stuff (n i'm all the more blessed in being able to share in her blessing.. hee..).. then sister Feonfly came along, n tis was normal too. cos there was once the 3 of us hang out at Essential Brew, n one of the Turkish dish sure reminded me of that place so it was warming to hv her join us.

oh oh before that, sister LoVelyplanet came with brother VVayz.. i was sure surprised to see them there.. what a small world!.. but i guess they were into Turkish food on that day too, n decided to go dating there.. hmm..

then the waiter brought a bouquet for me.. ookie.. i know they (sister Joy n Feonfly) were celebrating my bday but to that grand extent. i was shocked n simply thot them the best. they even teased me saying that it might b someone else, some admirer perhaps. heh.. but i could onli guess sister Feonfly brought the flowers n asked the waiter to pass it to me later (i'm quite a logical girl, okie!). sister Irene's name somehow came to mind too. n lo n behold, she came with sister Jenny!.. finally i got the whole picture, the whole set-up!.. omigosh.. the sisters hv sure became cleverer at doing such things.. hahaa...

i'm truly truly pleasantly surprised. thank you sisters n brother for such a wonderful treat. lesson learnt: not to *hint* too much when God has given me the biggest hint (ie. when sister Joy asked me out for dinner.. haiz, sister, when did u become such a sly one?!! haha..). i thank God for everyone of u. *muakz..

then mb gg home by mrt wasnt such a wise decision esp with the bouquet of flowers.. one does stand out, u noe.. n there was no one else with me.. hahaa.. but i'm happy. the roses are good to look at. they remind me a great deal of the book Secret Garden tt i m reading now. n tonite is like a magical moment described in there, so on my way back, i jus sat, looked at the flowers n thought. it was a good feeling, doing jus that. perhaps they were couples looking at me, looking at my flowers. n i jus came to a thought as i reached home, that if by giving flowers, one can make others feel so happy, then i dun mind giving all the flowers to others.

i'm reaching 25, what some may term as quart-life crises (QLC). n i find myself not in want, which is good. think Psalms 23:1 - "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want." i've always wondered what it is not to be in want. i always thought it would be ideal, it would be good. yet i always find myself so much in want of a lot of things, esp love. now, i wun say it came jus like that, but it is quite gradual. last Sat, i attended my ex-cell group leader's wedding n as i saw her wedding photos, that was exactly how i felt: not in want. n i'm glad. :)

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