Friday, June 10, 2005

good morning! i decided to do a little blogging early tis morning before my colleague comes in and robs me of my private moment with u. ;)

well, the reason for my coming early tis morning is simple: i left early from work yesterday. u know how guilt is able to work its way in, and my usual excuse for going off early would b that i'd replace the time another day. n i mean it. see, i'm here now. hahaa.. the exact reason why i'm typing tis out is to stifle my guilt a little.. okie okie, i will try to stick my usual working hours, or at least be more productive at work. hehh..

anyway, yesterday i had to go all the way Bedok for stair-climbing training. it's for the Mt K expedition. it's been bout a week now that i've been confirmed to join the group. yayyy.. i'd b able to go. :) so yesterday, i was doing my part to remonstrate my participation, which was ultimately needless cos i was told earlier on that i cld go for other group's training. but i wanna build group dynamism here; alas, onli 4 of us in total went for the exercise yesterday. :S but i get to enjoy the famous Bedok hokkien mee.. hehee.. :d

besides Mt K, i'd be going Bangkok!!! yes yes yes.. the tixs have been bought bcos AirAsia is having offer of $19.99 for one-way, plus taxes n other fees, it onli totals up to ~$90 per person for a two-way tix.. hehee.. i love good deals. now i hv to plan out what places to go to, n where to stay, etc.. tis is kinda like my first time gg somewhere n having to plan for it myself. kinda fun though. get to see the entire map of Bangkok, look up the places of interest. if tis catches on, i might try to save up n go another regional area tis year.. but i'm oredi spending a lot now.. :P

anyway, tis is a trip i plan to bring my mom for some time, since last year actually. she turned 50 last year, n i promised her before that when she's 50, i'll bring her around the world. well, i'll start with somewhere near 1st.. hehee.. the onli thing i'll b missing out when traveling with my mom would b a more active n adventurous tour ard the place. i'd love to cycle, n i read that u'd get to see more of Bangkok (actually Thailand on the whole) on bike. hm.. mb another time. i doubt one can explore the whole of Bangkok in just one trip there. ;)

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