Tuesday, June 28, 2005

yesterday's drinking plan with my batchmatie was postponed to pave way for Initial D (hehh.. who can stop tis amazing car movie from zooming into ur plans??). well, one thing that caught me off guard about the show is that it is SO funny!!!.. tho i knew it was from an anime, all i see from there was jus snippets of car racing, u know.. then i get bored of the whole thing.. so i jus watched initial D cos my brother wanted to watch.. hehh.. n of cos, a score of other ppl wanted to watch.. that was why Eng Wah cinema at Bukit Batok was so crowded for the evening show. sheesh, talk about it being isolated.. had to take side seats, n even then the tix-man did not hv the senses to give me those seats nearer to the aisle so that we can get a more central view.. gee.. thank God the movie still turns out alright, double *thumbs up*!

a lil info bout the anime Initial D, according to my 2nd bro: it's almost word for word in the movie, jus that they shorten around 3-4 seasons of anime into just one movie, so there's a lot of info missing, esp good shots of car races, of cos.. n yea, the bit bout the girl is true too, n oso Takumi joining Ryousuke's race team in the end.. for those who want to watch the anime, lemme know yea.. ;)

oooh.. i did get to drink at night anyway.. hee.. me had red wine with my 2nd bro, which he bought from the duty free shop inside changi airport.. then get to see all the photos he took from Aussie. hvnt caught up with him since he came back. i wld like to think of it as he went there, n came back with someone else. hee.. yeps, his status with the girl is confirmed.. *phew-weet*.. hee.. i wld rather like to think that the girl is lucky, more than my bro (even tho she was the one who won the lucky draw for 2 to fly to Aussie).. i say that cos i think it's so good to hv someone (read: a guy) to go traveling with.. less fear n worry of safety, n simply easier to go jus about anywhere with (except the loo, that is. :P)..

haiz.. next week is coming soon.. i'm fairly excited.. hvnt settled down on hotel stay yet.. hee..

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