Thursday, June 23, 2005

my energy is quite expended and with all due respect to tiredness, i m fully awake. running always makes me feel this way. hm.. mb i should hv stayed at ur place after all, sweet mango sunrise (aka ice khacang).. hee.. mb another time, when i'm more well prepared, but then ur days in hostel are limited. haiz... will miss u ppl ard in NTU, but i guess, tt's okay. like what is written: "The only thing that does not change is that everything changes." -- everything of this world, that is. ;)

anyway, i m shifting 'house' too, in a way of speaking. hvnt found a new place to stay yet, but i'm done with my current job. thinking bout it, mb it's not all one-sided, i hv my guilt sentence too. i admit to being quite slow in the learning, n reluctant to progress.. n terrible at obtaining reproducibility of my data results. *gapz.. all this mus change too..

haiz.. change change change... sir, do you have any change for one poor soul here?


lil piggie said...

test test.. yay.. my comment box is up n running again.. ;)

ice_kachang said...

mango sunrise? Is that my new name?? Anyway, ya, all of us are 'shifting' in a way then...take a break b4 finding ur new place :)

lil piggie said...

haha.. yesh, that's ur name cos of the colours of the clothes i usu see u in.. but of cos, i wld recommend u to try the Durian Mt Fuji at any kopitiam outlets.. ;)