Monday, July 04, 2005

hmm... how can i go overseas without a final word here? *grinz.. (yes, this is one of the needful things to be done before i hit the bed.. :P) well, esp when i leave tis blog at such a sad tone last week.. not to worry, nothing remains the same in tis world..

thursday was also the day that i found out the nitty gritty details of my new contract from my colleague (which did not really stir tt much of an interest in me then), which he heard unofficially from the admin staff, NOT from my boss.. hehh.. it seems that the next contract will not be such a tied down after all, that it will be a normal 1-month notice, minus all the threat of forfeiting a sum of 3-months' salary. *great* tis wld mean tt i can hang on to my current job while looking for another one. anyway, my boss said the new postdoc wld come by the end of July, so less qualms for me to leave the job if i make a nice pass-over of my work to him. (and Friday, my boss told my colleague that he has signed approval for his contract to be renewed, which I think mine wld b too, cos my colleague said that out renewal is printed on the same piece of paper. then again, my boss made no mention to me.. haiz..)

that day, on my way back home, i saw, along the road, a group of men using their hands to paint the worn-out railing.. they were having fun. i smiled.

Hands. Rail. Paint.

something as simple as that made me smile. :)

over the weekends, my church hosted foreign delegates from many Asian cities for our very first Youthnet Gateway Cities Convention, plus a combined morning service at Expo (think: long mrt ride..). it was a *rah-rah* time, n of cos, a very touching time for me too. i'm glad to have Steff n Rosie back in Spore.. ;)

oooh.. n as much as i look fwd to Bangkok tmr (less than 12 hrs!!).. i cant wait for tis cmg Sat when i come back.. hehee.. a prospective *someone* is gg to meet me n my mom at the airport.. more juicy details then.. hahaa.. shall try hard to miss u all.. *grinz.. nah, u all know i do, from the bottom of my heart, n u can tell from the bottom of ur stomach too when i bring all the goodies back.. hehe..

cheerios ppl.. have a good week, which may be peace n quiet to some, without me ard! :D

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