Tuesday, July 12, 2005

finally i can blog! tho' i hv to settle some other stuff b4 i can pop off to bed.. n i hv a feeling tt i overpacked.. :(

actually i wanted to write a long entry about my 5 days in Bangkok to keep u all company during my absence for yet another 5 days.. but i barely made it thru day 1 yesterday (imagine all the boring details i include there.. :P), so i can onli leave u all with the pretty pictures on yahoo! photos, which painstakingly took up my Sun aft nap jus to put the captions on them.. tis explains why i m so pooped today, i even slept for a good 30mins at work..

hm, i m bringing Dazai's short stories to read while i m away. not too sure whether i will ever b left alone in the group of strangers, so at least i will hv the book to accompany me.. hee.. aiya.. mb not that bad lah, i did get to know some of them, n there's that ultra frenly guy in my group whose a Christian, but 3 years younger than me.. *dang.. hahaa.. i seem to bond better with guys in that age group, guys born in the year of the pigs.. hm, one does wonder.. :P

okie, i'm putting the itinery for my Mt K climb for those interested to view it, so that u can mark where i'd b on what day at what time.. yea, i know u all will miss me.. *perasan.. haa.. :P

take care ppl.. i'll miss u all too.. :)


*SMiLE* is something miraculous in life's everyday

Friendship isn't how long u've been together, it isn't how much u've given or received, nor how many times u've helped each other, but it's how u value one another. (an sms fwded by a fren, which i value loads! n i'd like to share with all my b'loved frens. may our friendship never ends!)

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