Tuesday, July 19, 2005

a dull ache is gnawing on the inside of me, n it's not jus mere physical fatigue of muscle pain.. but that of sentimental sadness.. i guess it always gets to me this way, after i hv spent some good time with a bunch of ppl n suddenly it all comes to an end, i'm transported back into present-time, n there's nothing i can do bout it..

worse still, i got the feeling when i got home that i had never left, that things were how i left them, n i could possibly b dreaming the whole KK trip. It gave me the creeps.

sighz.. anyway, climbing Mt K is an experience that one mus go thru once in a lifetime. hehh.. n after some thoughts, i really dun mind going there again. like how i said to my groupmates: it's a memorable thing to do with someone special. ;)

well, i'm trying my best to label all the photos to upload them, but at the moment still got some more to go.. tho i din really take that many photos, i'm hoping to get more from the other ppl's cam.. will upload them soonest possible.. till then, my bed awaits..


for the month of July, my calender says:
"To him that is determined it remains only to act."
--Italian Proverb

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