Friday, July 22, 2005

yayy.. alone by myself in the lab, cos everyone else hv to go for a fire drill briefing.. n as a floor leader, i had been briefed before, so there's no need for me to go.. hehehee..

i'm hving a tremendous craving for m&ms chocolate.. no idea why.. yest i had a good 200g of it.. today, i crave for more.. eeks.. n finally i get to hv my tau suan.. hehe.. my good postgrad bought me green bean soup on Tues when i really wanted tau suan, but well, shant turned down a good will..

these few days i'm busy with helping out with NUS freshmen, in particular those staying in PGP. so i've gone back to sch a few times, but starkingly PGP does not bring back that much memories any more. perhaps the times hv changed, the ppl hv changed. o well.. it's good to be there nonetheless, n last nite, we played polar bear.. hehe.. a game which can evoke much fun, esp when i always end up killing the hunters instead of the bears.. :P

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