Wednesday, February 09, 2005

today is a lazy day.

yesh, it finally rubbed off me that it's time to start blogging again. hvnt done so for a while, was telling myself to go on a blog holiday, jus like the term they use in insurance when u go on premium holiday. well, nth of much festivity for CNY tis year. usu my family does it quietly, n being in Spore, we dun go ard to other ppl's house, not that there are many to go to. usu my frens here are foreigners, so nobody's house to do some visiting. but usu i enjoy the reunion dinner on CNY eve. last time my mom would make a great fuss bout the meal, n it would b complete with steamed fish, a chicken dish.. veg.. etc.. but this year, she was tired from shifting n a lot of unpacking that still needs to b done, so what did we hv for dinner? well, it was MacD cos dining out was a no-no, since the restaurant was fully booked n we din like the idea of queueing up. sighz.. MacD... :(

tonite is not gonna b much diff. Mom did cook, some fried rice, n now my brother n his wife hv gone out to tapao hot n spicy soup from the thai restaurant (tt we wanted to dine in last nite). but i snacked a lot today. then i'm gonna get a bad case of sore-throat unless i balance it up with some cooling herbal drinks. napped in the afternoon too.. haiz.. lazy lazy day.. shall do some blog reading n catching up tonite.. hehh.. when i dun blog, i dun read everyone's blog too.. hehh..

well, hope all of u hv a happy happy chinese new year! do rmbr to collect angpows on my behalf yea.. n Seanie, i rmbr what u said over msn regarding angpows! *grinz.. this is jus a gentle reminder.. hehee.. ;)

oh yea.. this is my first blog from my new home.. hehh.. finally shifted over to this place last Sunday.. :)

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