Friday, February 11, 2005

today's running was a real flop. wanted to cap the run at 30mins cos that was the timing last time, n wanted to make it up the killer slope without stopping. n since i started the run at SBS, it would end at the top too. so i was running, racing against all odds to make it to the finishing peak in time. alas, my bad sense of direction made a fool of me again, or mb i shd say the thought of being in the wrong direction. i thot i was lost, went on the wrong track, when i was correct all the while.. haizz... so b4 i hit the slope, i was oredi walking, sulking that i got my route all messed up. then sulking even more when i realised that i was right all the while. dang..

anyway, shall attempt that again next week. hee..

this evening watched a very touching chinese show on TV. the one acted by Sammi Cheng entitled 'My left eye saw ghost'. i caught it first time at JB, in canto version. i was so excited back then, cos i love her show, n it was really funny. but what's the winning point for this movie is the twist at the end, n it is mightily touching. i teared the first time round, n watching it today again has the same effect. i'm amazed. either i'm a super sensitive crybaby, or the show is really touching.. i'd rather believe in the latter.. *smile..

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