Sunday, February 20, 2005

my mom jus went out of the room to cook an early dinner for me n herself tonite. we are both going to IMM giant to do some grocery shopping later cos she saw that the toilet paper is cheaper there. grinz.. but what provoke me to blog again is her remark of cooking a very filling meal (even if it's onli instant noodle) so that i will b fed n fat.. *groan.. all the more reason now for me to run more... and this spurs me to blog what i resolved to write some time ago when i was reflecting on what i like to do.

i like to run. this is one thing that i can do without feeling guilty or any sense of negation. i like to read, but at times there's nothing nice to read, or nothing that can catch my attention, n other times, words are jus too heavy for me. running is different. it can take a load off me (not jus the physical fats, but also the emotions n intellectual stress). n tho stimes i may b tired at the end of it. there's satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment. so i'm looking forward to run more, n also to run in the marathon, hoping to make it to the full marathon by the end of this year. :)

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