Wednesday, March 02, 2005

since i m away from work for now, thot i'll blog a lil tho i feel very much at the point of not knowing where to pick up. i've left so many parts of my life unblogged when i hv very much wanted to include them here. n over the weekend i wanted to write a looong blog.. but was too tired.. m tired now too.. tt's why i took an unofficial off from work. physically i m sposed to b at this symposium, which is rather unrelated to my current research work. mb onli the free food is relevant.. Lol..

went for GB camp over the weekend. learnt and received a lot from there. the speakers were very motivational n inspirational. i figured it out myself that these two terms are very different. the first one being to spur u on in what u are currently doing, n the latter being the pull to try new things. they are that powerful because they have lived the life that they speak of, dunno how many years of serving in GB.. m i willing to give myself to that? God, is that ur calling for me?

tis coming weekend is another session of drill.. n the thrill of it all is that i will b clad in a uniform when i graduate from this training course.. hee.. call it a girl dream of mine to be in a uniformed group. always wanted to b in redcross back in Brunei, but i rmbr one of the criteria being that u need to b citizen, so i din try for it. so.. heh heh hehhh.. now i will get the chance.. *happy..

then oso started my tuition sessions with this lil damsel again. i simply hope jus to make her want to study. i see the potential in her; she can b smart if she wants to be. mb she's jus off-track at the moment. haiz.. i need to make her study. good thing is i'm not showing her my soft-side anymore. not going to let her hv things her way. but i'm not such a meanie. her mom is quite another case oso. onli when her daughter is going to hv exams then she calls me back. haiz.. well, i'm trying not to b a spoilt market anymore by charging her too cheaply as what my other frens would say of me when i taught her last year. increased the price by jus a lil notch. grinz..

outside, my sound system is playing Ivory III.. testing how it would like given the concert effect.. terribly good, i mus admit.. n oso the lil scratchy noise that is heard in my ripped version in my comp got me into a fright. i thot i scratched the CD.. but phew.. it's still in excellent condition.. ;)

going back to hear.. n rest.. i need a good rest.. no stress.. Goodbye Yesterday is on.. my fave of them all..

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