Monday, March 21, 2005

szeyung vs the whole world

decided to eat some ice cream. been wanting to eat the ice cream at home for some time now, but it seems that everytime i came back, it was either too late, or i lost appetite to eat it. n i needed the ice cream to chill out.

the day started bad, started with my lil rammie fish dead. it was more sad that it died over the weekend, n i actualli saw the dead body on Sat without realising it was dead cos my boss n i thot it was hiding up there behind the pumps. then when it was still lingering at the exact same spot today, i smelt sth fishy. true enough, my rammie was dead. so was quite upset bout that, n compose a lil sth for it:

Tribute to my rammie

why the doleful look,
a fish is dead
a fish is dead.

new ones shall come,
a fish is dead
a fish is dead.

don't be so saddened,
a fish is dead
a fish is dead.

it's just a fish!

sorry, it's not that i agree with the consoling words, but rather the same lines were repeated in my head: the fish is dead. haiz... nth much i can do bout it. took a while for my boss to realise the missing fish, n for him to once again say the same lines: "we're not very good at keeping the fish, are we?".. tho "we" are implicated, the accusing tone is not so well hidden. so, haiz..

then tonite... well... haiz... i dun wanna mention bout it anymore. repeated too many mental pictures of what could hv been, how i shd hv reacted, n so forth... still feel the sting, n not too sure how to apologise properly to my fren cos worse of all, she's not even a very close fren tt i keep in touch with. jus tt both of us can click off quite well when we r tgether. ugh.. really wish i can jus melt or fade out from the world then n there..

anyway.. i need more ice cream...

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