Sunday, March 27, 2005

i typed this draft on Friday night.. din get to post it online.. cos somehow din know how to end it. hehh... anyway, here it is:

decide to move out of my blue mood. not doing me good anyway.

wednesday found me thinking of one person in particular:
you taught me how to draw shooting stars with four pointy legs n four curvy sides. and it was you who introduced the "stars shining bright above me..." song. i have missed you, and i have lost touch with you somehow. so have all of your other friends here. where are you? i wonder when it would be that i would see you again.

wednesday also found me meeting an old fren from my college days. used to have a liking for him last time. found out that he has a girlfren now in the States. m happy for him. n it was a good time spent chatting, catching up. for once, it's not jus reminiscing bout the past, but oso knowing what the person is really doing, how his job is like now. tho when we parted it felt almost as if we would not b in touch for another long period of time. as if there's not a need to. quite a sad truth that we may hv exhausted all tt is needed to convey between us. i guess that is what happen when frens move out of the usual social circle tt associates them in the past.

thursday found me with a clear decision to leave my current job, more determined than ever. n may this resolution enable me to send out my resume by this weekend. i gave up on an opportunity to study in Japan over a week ago. not that i was close to getting it, i din even fill up the application form. what stopped me was the need to get reference letters, but that made me think seriously bout it. yea, i shdnt b going so soon. not when i hv not establish my grounds in research. i'm still a small fry. furthermore, my finance is not looking very good. i shdnt go over there empty handed n expect them to feed me. there shd b some level of financial sustainability before i go, i told myself tt before.

well, Good Friday is today!!!


now it's Sunday.. n i've still not done up my resume n cover letter to send out... *darn..

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