Thursday, February 10, 2005

just watched finish the 'Whisper of the Heart' for the 3rd or 4th time. i cldnt recall buying it last time, which i did at the Bugis Village. one good thing bout shifting is that u may jus dig out hidden treasures. hehh..

once again i applaud the animation for its purity n simplicity. it tugs at my heart so. leaves me with a sigh everytime i watch it. n this time round it was in canto too. i cant explain why, but cantonese is more native to my ears. i can watch a canto drama series by jus listening to it, but i cant do that when it is dubbed in mandarin. true, the animation may hv lost its native tone in jap, but hearing it in canto is sheer joy to me too. so *sigh*... love this animation by Ghibli Studio; they hv other reputable works too: the all too famous 'Totoro', n 'the graves of the fireflies'... oso 'Princess Mononoke'... if not mistaken, 'Spirited Away' is from the same studio cos the characters look quite akin.

this animation reminded me of how much i m still lacking. i envy ppl who hv extensive knowledge in what they like, in their interest. take the guy for example, he likes to play violin, he excels in it, n not onli that he takes to making them n wants to be good in making them. even the old uncle who's keen on antiques has quite remarkable knowledge in them, even in the stones.

okie, shifting to real life, my visit to the Centre of the Arts at HV (thanks to Sin for the tip off n direction on where it is) demonstrated what good use extensive knowledge plus passion is all about. the uncle there, who i presume to be Mr Teo Eng Seng, knows so much, not only about his own artwork, but others as well. it was both entertaining n enriching to have him to show me n Fongky ard the art exhibition. i enjoyed it very much, n i see why it is so impt to hv someone to tell u bout the art pieces, esp someone as ignorant as me. i was a little embarrassed that i din know a lot of things, esp of the more famous artists. hehh.. i guess i need to read more n get more exposure to art..

let's see, my first indulgence in art came from my uncle n aunt. both being very artistic ppl: they draw, make ceramic or pottery, take photos, play organ or keyboard, n now they possess a first class hons in dancing. *grinz.. they're such exciting ppl with a great many interesting hobbies. my aunt was an art teacher, n the last i rmbr she challenged herself to do chinese calligraphy. i'm not sure if she still do them now cos they're both in Australia (where else do u think they could get a cert recognition for dancing?!).

sadly, i dun think this artistic talent runs in the family. i cant play the organ tho my uncle tried to teach me n my brothers when we were young. my guitar is going nowhere, still strumming lousily. n drawing wise.. i wish i can sketch or shade well. i like black n white, keeps things simple. even then in between the two extremes, there are so many shades of gray. things are not as simple as they seem.

sigh.. mb taking an afternoon nap is not such a good idea.. cant sleep well at night in my new place oredi, this is jus making matters even worse..

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