Sunday, February 20, 2005

i hv 2 success stories to share:

one, my teeth are glaring white! *grinz.. hehe.. that is what my neighbouring postgrad told me one day. she remarked that my teeth are quite white lah, she din use the word 'glaring'.. hehee.. ;p n my visit to the dentist last Fri was a good one too. less plague, thanks to daily flossing n brushing my teeth after eating my breakfast. it was a hard habit to cultivate, esp having to swallow down my bfast early in the morning when i'm barely awake. usu i'm more awake after brushing my teeth n washing my face. but it all pays off.. better looking teeth.. *grinz.. hehe..

but got ulcers at my gum now. my dentist was quite shocked by it. think i brushed too hard. then the lady dentist doctor there took a look n said it might b host-immune defense thinggy.. which sounds scary, but i guess it's jus out of heatiness.. i hadnt drunk much herbal or cooling stuff lately. so now, i cannot brush those two affected areas, n hv to apply some anti-bacterial gel on them to protect any germs from collecting at the site of injury. but i'm still eating chocolate, cookies n crunchy stuff.. hehehee.. cant seem to keep off them.. :P

second success story: my lil housewarming at my new place. well, before u all start to complain how come u all are not invited, it was a small gathering only. n it had another agenda of bidding farewell to another fren, who i will not get to see for the next 6 mths or so.. (phew... opps.. i mean, *sobs.. haha..).. n i dun like big crowd, not my taste of having a meaningful party. n not all my groups of frens like know one another n kinda awkward to bring everyone tgether. then i will get so distracted n tried in getting ppl to make sure they're at ease n enjoying themselves.. hee.. agreeably, i'm still quite off the mark from the standard of Mrs Dalloway. this character ran thru my head as i was thinking of the number of housewarming parties i might need to plan if i intend to get all my frens to see my new place.. *grinz..

but i will wait a while before i plan another housewarming.. wanna rest n settle in first. hvnt really felt settled in this new place yet, hvnt been able to locate everything in the kitchen cos momie did all the unpacking in that area. but i like this place.. still need a lot of stuff here n there.. but oredi this is starting to feel like home. :)

momie is flying home this Fri...

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