Friday, January 30, 2004

mmm... was a wonderful morning spent in my room. though again productivity rate hit an all-time low of zero. hehh.. anyway, lazy morning. n yeps, the sun is out at work today. great! chase all the rain clouds far away. :D

well, all good things mus come to an end. going out now. anyway, morning has jus about come to an end. so i bid thou farewell, my morning rays of hope and laughters. till we meet again, adios ppl!
joy is in sharing a moment with someone u care about.

joy is walking to n fro aimlessly jus as long as u're with someone who's worth it.

joy is... many things bottled in a jar of cookies, even though the person who brought it here or who offered the cookies to u din really bake them.

haha... joy. :)

p/s: yeps, shd start a-doing my fren's tutorial now.. hehh.. bummers, me dun realli know half the things that went on during that lesson. hope my fren can understand the jibberish stuff that i wrote down. hehh... but oh, pls chk the new midi file i put on my page (yeps, finally decided to change the song. hehh...). it's called 'be happy', another song by jang nara which i think the tune suits the occasion. it was played in the show too.. happy tune, a lil nostalgic though, sorta like wishing all those happy moments will b with u always.. :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

hee.. me here back in my roomie.. after such a long while, am back here to stay the night.. since i'm waiting for my hair to dry (heck the lame excuse.. :P), so i shall jus blog a bit.. heee... :P

talking bout the hair.. sigh, every time i go for a haircut, it's like cutting into my own flesh, deep into my skull. felt really raw on my head today, not used to the new hair style. mb a wee bit too rock for me. n dang, now i cant tie my hair no more, otherwise, it'll really look like a pony tail.. sigh, nvm, shall wait for my hair to grow long again.. or mb wait til i get it permed. hee.. ;p

hm, stimes i really feel that my strength is oso my weakness. i feel too much. heh. hypersensitive. well, i'm not refering to the current skin allergy that i'm suffering from here! haha.. nah, i really mean being too sensitive to other ppl's feeling. it's good, but not good all the time. i guess there shd b a suitable time for that, n other times when u shdnt hav any of that at all. that's why i'm trying to numb myself now. it works at times, when i jus feel so tired of feeling.

well, my dear fren, hope u dun find this change (esp my hairstyle, lemme keep the long tail.. haha) in me a little unwelcoming, but thanks really for the postcard. saw it in the library but thot the better of saying a word bout it. mb it was meant not to be commented. but here, in this space in the web, it's a world of my own. and yups, it's good to be back here. :)

Saturday, January 24, 2004

*waa... i wanna cry cry cry... mb sing brittney spears' song 'opps i did it again'.. LOL.. sigh.. seems like i wasnt well informed that there was no coral reef lect tis morn. sigh, my 2nd time.. n i had to wake up so early, travel to sch from CCK. m really wide awake tis morning.. of cos, not without the help of a cuppa coffee.. hee... o well.. jus mean that i get to study more on my own.. me now here in med lib.. alone.. sigh.. but dun mind it realli.. mus get started to studying.. oredi the paper is out for presentation.. shall start with that 1st.. adios ppl.. a festive day ahead for u all.. ;)
hi ya ppl.. hope u all had a wonderFULL break though it lasted onli a few days. for me, it's back to sch again today. but i dun mind as much. time to start getting busy, be alive n kicking. heh. the short break was more of a makan n get fat session. haa.. n i watched far too much TV, played too much too. finished my jigsaw puzzle liaoz, so that's one thing off my mind. heh.. n the keyboard looked smaller than i once thot it was. mb i grew up, that's why the thing now looked smaller. hehh.. :P

anyway, back to dido.. i'm really falling in love with her. i jus realise that i heard her song 'white flag' before, n i realli love it. heee.. my 2nd bro's gonna burn the mp3s for me from her new album 'life for rent'. anyone else wants a copy? hee.. it's gonna cost u sth though.. :P bleh.. then my eld bro found a site that host a lot of her mtvs... waaa... she realli looks pretty.. wewweet.. heee... when i get back to my room n copy the url from my icq, i'll paste it here ya.. so u dido-lover folks jus gotta wait til then.. ;)

off to feed my cells.. thank God they survive the short break... hehh.. i stocked up enough food in the pantry for them.. ;D

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

heh.. i found the song! or rather songsss... hehehe... there are three songs that hav been playing in my mind lately, like those CD players u find at tower records or hmv, that was the same thing in my mind, i was switching betw the 3 songs. heh, two of them i oredi know: 'here with me' by dido n 'here without you' by 3 doors down. quite the opp for song titles eh! n i jus managed to find out the 3rd one with the words 'it's my life'.. n i almost thot it was 'my life' also by dido, but nops, it's yet another song by dido called 'life for rent':

I haven't ever really found a place that I call home
I never stick around quite long enough to make it
I apologize that once again I'm not in love
But it's not as if I mind
that your heart ain't exactly breaking

It's just a thought, only a thought

But if my life is for rent and I don't learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
Cos nothing I have is truly mine

I've always thought
that I would love to live by the sea
To travel the world alone
and live more simply
I have no idea what's happened to that dream
As there's really nothing left here to stop me

It's just a thought, only a thought

But if my life is for rent and I don't learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
Cos nothing I have is truly mine

While my heart is a shield and I won't let it down
While I am so afraid to fail so I won't even try
Well how can I say I'm alive

If my life is for rent…

hm.. only tis morning then i manage to hear the bit bout the sea part. really like that part, so i'm quite sure this is the song. sigh, do listen if u can d/l it from the net. otherwise, i think dido's no angel is quite a good buy. hee.. waiting for my supplier to lend me... :P

ohh.. my momie is here liaoz. :) but asleep at tis hour so her little ones can come out n play. hee... no lah, i shall b sleeping soon. need to be back in sch in the wee hours of the morning again. darn those cells.. they'd better be dead.. teehee... :P

Monday, January 19, 2004

hm.. waiting for my culture medium to warm up. little babies need a warm bath early in the morning n a good fresh meal before they die.... nyanyanya.. *evil laughter* gonna kill my cells by triggering the death signal in them. heh heh hehh.. hope they die.. die cells, DIE!!... hehh... :P

i think it's a good idea to leave 3-in-1 sachets of beverage in ur lab, then u can go to the pantry to make the drinks as n when u feel hungry. hee.. n i jus calculated the cost, cheaper than getting from the vending machine. hehh.. n yups, bingo, that's jus what i'm going to do while waiting for my babies to feed. good thing i got some cereal drink in my cupboard now.. :D

ciaoz ppl.. gonna proceed with mission elimination. hehh... :P

Sunday, January 18, 2004


sigh, if onli Monday comes sooner, then this murmur in my mind will subside.. :(

Saturday, January 17, 2004

sometimes u wonder if it is possible to spend too much time with someone until that person gets bored of ya. haha. that thought always linger on in me. makes me scared to meet ppl stimes, n at other times repulsive towards others. hehh.. dunno if u guys get what i mean, or if u all feel the same way stimes. well, i hav my withdrawal n bugging times.. hm, but been rather withdrawal lately due to fear of boring ppl with my presence. haa...

well, my momie is coming over tis coming Monday!! yippee.. then i'll disappear for a while. shd spending most of my time on bus 188, so catch me there if u wanna hav a 40mins chat with me.. heee... and choa chu kang is quite a nice place to hang out, with movie, a shopping mall, even a library there too.. hehh.. shall b disconnected cos at my bro's place, i dun hav a comp of my own to use. my 2nd bro shd b using his most of the time, n i shd spend more time offline with my mom anyway. hee.. ;)

a happy chinese new year in advance to all, in case i dun get to pop by here again to blog. hee.. dun worry, i still come here now n then to chk, though might not hav the luxury of time to blog, n at times may not b able to read ur entries.. but see lar, if i get stuck in lab again with lotsa incubation hours n i'm sianz with reading lecture notes n whatever readings, then i'll b here.. so see u guys around ya. do take care!

Friday, January 09, 2004

lil note for today: Never stop reaching for the goal in front.

been a lazy morning today. finally a morning that i can sleep in and b.... lazy. haha. got lab meeting later. gonna read up on some other method to transfect my suspension cells since the other method of using liposome is not working. sigh. better get started on doing that now. otherwise the lab meeting at 12 later would b disastrous. dun want my boss to slam on me in front of the lab ppl.. :P
jus woke up from an early nap. was very tired. haha. worked myself out today. sigh.

anyway, wanna blog something positive. lemme tell u bout tis cute lil calendar that i hav n how it speaks to me. hee.. yest's sweet note was: 'a bite of biscuit and a sip of tea is good living.' waa.. that morning i was at my bro's place. i overslept, otherwise i wld hav woken up to enjoy tea n biscuit breakfast like what i did on Mon morning. sighh.. miss that teh tarik 3-in-one drink.. :P

then hor, when i stayed late on Tues nite (6th Jan), the lil calendar said 'blessed is to sleep in peace, and wake up in peace.' hmm.. how true. wish i could hav planned my lab schedule better so that i could get enough sleep. heee... there jus seems to b so much that i can learn from tis lil fren of mine. really loving it. hehh.. ;)

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

why do i torture myself so? today is going to be a miserable day.. :'(

Monday, January 05, 2004

sigh.. first day of school though me got no lessons today. hee.. but me still working at coop. waa, it has really been a looong day.. and all the students. urgh. now i can understand the frustration they felt at the book enquiry counter n i dun blame them if they sound rude. so many students! but that's the thing in the customer-end work la. grumble grumble grumble then when the phone rings, u hav to say in ur sweetest tone: Good morning, science coop. haha. mine is not that extreme cos i dun grumble that much but my neighbour colleague.. well, she's simply the best. hehehee..

holiday jus blew past like that. but i sure did enjoy my hols. spent the last week or so mostly with my eld bro n his gf. went koraoke-ing after kite-flying last Sun. hee.. my first time. o well, i realise that i can sing faith hill's from a distance very well. *chuckles* then new year eve, me had countdown at fort caning with my church. it was fun. stayed up the whole nite too with steffy n brother teoh. hehh, we camped out at macD. thank God it opened 24hrs that nite at centrepoint (yeps, we were at orchard!). after new year, it has been working all the way. a lot of stuff to do at coop.

well, i've been doing a lot of thinking too. think this year i wanna b more disciplined in all the things that i set out to do. yeps, gonna bring to completion things that i start out doing. dun wanna be hangat2 tahi ayam. :)