Thursday, June 30, 2005

The day started with a drizzle, only to clear for a while, then now it threatens to rain again. I believe it is even raining slightly now. And as I walked past the auditorium, deserted and empty now, with most of the props removed. Only hours ago, it housed an audience of over 1000 people, of which more than 700 are graduands. Now it stood there, quiet and still.

Today marked my teacher friends' investiture - a day that they took their pledge to be teachers. I'm not too sure what else, what other meanings this day might hold for all the teachers. I can't help but feel that it is a happy day, and also a sad day for one of them. I shall not elaborate more because if there is one thing I learn, it is to never steal the feelings of another. Never to be too over-excited, or too sad over what the other person is feeling because one never knows and can never fully understand the other's feeling. So, my dear friend, I will miss seeing you on campus too, but like you say, K.I.T. *smile*

what are they?
not of present
yet a gift

what to keep?
of many things
yet few remains

what to do?
they haunt you
as time lingers

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

yesterday's drinking plan with my batchmatie was postponed to pave way for Initial D (hehh.. who can stop tis amazing car movie from zooming into ur plans??). well, one thing that caught me off guard about the show is that it is SO funny!!!.. tho i knew it was from an anime, all i see from there was jus snippets of car racing, u know.. then i get bored of the whole thing.. so i jus watched initial D cos my brother wanted to watch.. hehh.. n of cos, a score of other ppl wanted to watch.. that was why Eng Wah cinema at Bukit Batok was so crowded for the evening show. sheesh, talk about it being isolated.. had to take side seats, n even then the tix-man did not hv the senses to give me those seats nearer to the aisle so that we can get a more central view.. gee.. thank God the movie still turns out alright, double *thumbs up*!

a lil info bout the anime Initial D, according to my 2nd bro: it's almost word for word in the movie, jus that they shorten around 3-4 seasons of anime into just one movie, so there's a lot of info missing, esp good shots of car races, of cos.. n yea, the bit bout the girl is true too, n oso Takumi joining Ryousuke's race team in the end.. for those who want to watch the anime, lemme know yea.. ;)

oooh.. i did get to drink at night anyway.. hee.. me had red wine with my 2nd bro, which he bought from the duty free shop inside changi airport.. then get to see all the photos he took from Aussie. hvnt caught up with him since he came back. i wld like to think of it as he went there, n came back with someone else. hee.. yeps, his status with the girl is confirmed.. *phew-weet*.. hee.. i wld rather like to think that the girl is lucky, more than my bro (even tho she was the one who won the lucky draw for 2 to fly to Aussie).. i say that cos i think it's so good to hv someone (read: a guy) to go traveling with.. less fear n worry of safety, n simply easier to go jus about anywhere with (except the loo, that is. :P)..

haiz.. next week is coming soon.. i'm fairly excited.. hvnt settled down on hotel stay yet.. hee..

Monday, June 27, 2005


City in the Morning

It was a beautiful day, and the sun was not so harsh even though the clock went past 9 some time ago. There were tour groups harbouring where you could catch a good view of the Merlion stationed beside Clifford Pier. There was an even larger crowd gathering below the statute. I was taken aback by the people, as it was unusual for me to see tour groups in Singapore, much more so on such a day.

After the rest of the people turned up for the 5-km run, which was an expected pathetic trickle of the actual size of the group for the Mt K expedition, I was glad to have the company of the HI girl to run with me. We did not talk much: I was still lacking in my communication skills, and she was the awfully quiet one from the night trekking session last time. However at the end of the run, the ice was very much melted, if not broken. Her name is Caroline, and she works in JP.

The run was beautiful and exceptionally quiet. One would expect the city to be bustling with activities, but it seems to be asleep on lazy Sunday mornings. Even my walk towards Chinatown later, which traversed Boat Quay and Clarke Quay, carried on the quiet mode of the morning. It was exhilaratingly enjoyable to me, and I rested in the calmness. A thought started to conjure in my mind of the possibility of getting people to go for city run with me on another Sunday.

Chinatown in the Afternoon

I arranged with my mother to meet me in Chinatown, which was where she wanted to go. I did not mind as I have been longing to try out the small food outlets found scattered throughout that cluttered area of shops. I wanted to steer clear of the mainstream roads used by most people, and cut into small alleys instead. In one of them, we stumbled into this nook called "Old Shanghai". Not to say the food is spectacular, it was satisfying both to the mind and body. I like trying out food in new places. After we walked another few rounds, we went back to the same alley to a dessert shop I had spotted earlier. This must be the shop that my boss boasted about the nice sesame paste dessert. So we both had black sesame paste, which was wholesome and not too sweet.

Changi Beach in the Evening

My final destination for the day was to meet my friend (you can call her my best friend), to celebrate her birthday, which was on Saturday. In a normal year, both of us would try to name a day between our birthdays so that we could celebrate together since ours was merely a week apart. She went cycling with her friends and colleagues at Pulau Ubin, which I refused her invitation as two weeks ago, I was there with the Mt K team. Besides I thought I would have to give tuition (which was thankfully cancelled).

It had been a long time since we caught up with each other, so there was loads to talk. We walked from one end of the Changi Beach to the other, sat down in between to rest and enjoy the sea, and still had things to talk. It was a good feeling, that we had things to talk. I always felt this way about her, that if somehow we don't get to meet up for a long time, when we see each other again, there will be things to talk about.

We had dinner at the Changi hawker centre, where we painstakingly waited for an hour or more, just to sample the famous nasi lemak there. She spotted a Mediacorp male artiste, who I was not particularly familiar with. He, too, was queueing up with his daughter and her friends to buy the nasi lemak. One must wonder what is so fantastic about this stall. Well, to be honest, the food simply had to taste better, and it did. The sambal was super good, and the fried chicken wing, too. I suppose this is the kind of response you would get from the stall patrons who have queued hours just to buy their nasi lemak.

All in all, yesterday was good.
One can only hope that the fleece of the black sheep will turn white as it ages.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

kyoo watashi no kokoro ga ittai
temo anata wa tabun wakaranai
Kami-sama, doshite...

"kane wa watashi ga sukijianai"
chuugokugo no ongakku o kiita
atama ni aru...

ima daijoobu ni natta
seikai ni nani mo hoshijianai
Kami-sama, onegai...

(fyi, this is not any Jap poem ya. jus me trying to express myself. :))

Thursday, June 23, 2005

listening to chinese songs today makes me feel sad. i think i'm hitting the depression zone now, but i guess i know better how to cope n deal with it. as usual, like all things, it will come to pass..

a question that bogs my mind today: who am i trying to prove myself to?

...the setting sun, the glory of the Lord...
my energy is quite expended and with all due respect to tiredness, i m fully awake. running always makes me feel this way. hm.. mb i should hv stayed at ur place after all, sweet mango sunrise (aka ice khacang).. hee.. mb another time, when i'm more well prepared, but then ur days in hostel are limited. haiz... will miss u ppl ard in NTU, but i guess, tt's okay. like what is written: "The only thing that does not change is that everything changes." -- everything of this world, that is. ;)

anyway, i m shifting 'house' too, in a way of speaking. hvnt found a new place to stay yet, but i'm done with my current job. thinking bout it, mb it's not all one-sided, i hv my guilt sentence too. i admit to being quite slow in the learning, n reluctant to progress.. n terrible at obtaining reproducibility of my data results. *gapz.. all this mus change too..

haiz.. change change change... sir, do you have any change for one poor soul here?

Monday, June 20, 2005

i'm rather a bday girl, or rather i was brought up in that kinda environment. there would be bday cake, candles showing exactly how old u are. tho i onli had my first bday party when i was 20, probably for my mom to make up for the no-show on my 19th bday as i was here in Spore. i received flowers for my bday then (sorry sisters, someone gave me flowers on my bday b4, now then i recall.. hee.. but u gals gave me my first bday surprise.. ;)). hmm..

last week, i shall call it my bday week has been really good. i get to spend time with people who are impt to me. tis week too, i presume. *chuckles.. funny how stimes ppl jus come together n meet up when impt events like bdays or weddings draw near, n not at other times. but it's alright, i guess. i still enjoy catching up with ppl i hv not seen for some time. :)

oh.. something special tho. i get to spend my bday like any ordinary day. hee.. i was at GB camp, n no one there would know that it was my bday. hee.. one cool thing bout being an officer at the camp, which i din realise before, was that the girls would greet me ma'am... *grinz.. feel kinda grand n so formal tt i cant resume my frenly attitude with them, but i guess that was to be observed anyway, this being a uniformed group n ranking n respect is highly commendable. my my.. i actually enjoy that.. hee~

and oooh.. yesterday night i got to learn how to play mahjong after our springroll gathering. we were always talking bout it but never got down to setting up the table, so last night was our first, prob not our last. *grinz.. kinda fun, u know, n FK is such a darling to coach me. hee.. last time whenever i asked ppl to teach me, well, it never came round to that.. but cool.. last nite i got a hang of it, but i hvnt register all the 101 rules yet, not forgetting the hidden *no touching other ppl's shoulders* plus other unceremonial rules. hee.. yes, u hv to observe a mahjong game as some auspicious ceremony.. hehe.. but i'm more there for the fun n the good ol' kakis.. ;)

well, ending off with my thanks for all the bday greetings n wishes i got. thanx ya people. love u guys! :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

i'm TOUCHED!.. ahh.. tt's the word. i din know how to describe my feelings then, but yeps, touched it is then. ;)

sister Joy asked me out for dinner today (ie. Tues nite), n it wld b her treat. n this is uncommon cos last time she treated me too. we went to try out Turkish food at Shaw Tower. heh.. it seems that she had a voucher, jus like the last time when she treated me at Mandarin Meritius Hotel. my sister is always blessed in getting such stuff (n i'm all the more blessed in being able to share in her blessing.. hee..).. then sister Feonfly came along, n tis was normal too. cos there was once the 3 of us hang out at Essential Brew, n one of the Turkish dish sure reminded me of that place so it was warming to hv her join us.

oh oh before that, sister LoVelyplanet came with brother VVayz.. i was sure surprised to see them there.. what a small world!.. but i guess they were into Turkish food on that day too, n decided to go dating there.. hmm..

then the waiter brought a bouquet for me.. ookie.. i know they (sister Joy n Feonfly) were celebrating my bday but to that grand extent. i was shocked n simply thot them the best. they even teased me saying that it might b someone else, some admirer perhaps. heh.. but i could onli guess sister Feonfly brought the flowers n asked the waiter to pass it to me later (i'm quite a logical girl, okie!). sister Irene's name somehow came to mind too. n lo n behold, she came with sister Jenny!.. finally i got the whole picture, the whole set-up!.. omigosh.. the sisters hv sure became cleverer at doing such things.. hahaa...

i'm truly truly pleasantly surprised. thank you sisters n brother for such a wonderful treat. lesson learnt: not to *hint* too much when God has given me the biggest hint (ie. when sister Joy asked me out for dinner.. haiz, sister, when did u become such a sly one?!! haha..). i thank God for everyone of u. *muakz..

then mb gg home by mrt wasnt such a wise decision esp with the bouquet of flowers.. one does stand out, u noe.. n there was no one else with me.. hahaa.. but i'm happy. the roses are good to look at. they remind me a great deal of the book Secret Garden tt i m reading now. n tonite is like a magical moment described in there, so on my way back, i jus sat, looked at the flowers n thought. it was a good feeling, doing jus that. perhaps they were couples looking at me, looking at my flowers. n i jus came to a thought as i reached home, that if by giving flowers, one can make others feel so happy, then i dun mind giving all the flowers to others.

i'm reaching 25, what some may term as quart-life crises (QLC). n i find myself not in want, which is good. think Psalms 23:1 - "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want." i've always wondered what it is not to be in want. i always thought it would be ideal, it would be good. yet i always find myself so much in want of a lot of things, esp love. now, i wun say it came jus like that, but it is quite gradual. last Sat, i attended my ex-cell group leader's wedding n as i saw her wedding photos, that was exactly how i felt: not in want. n i'm glad. :)

Saturday, June 11, 2005

I'm proud of myself tis morning. hehh.. i finally made 2x around my neighbourhood. heh.. well, one round covers a distance of ard 4km.. so mb 8km is nothing much, but for me, it's a struggle of mental prowess. well, the reversi technique works. hehe.. i jus ran the other direction the second time, then i wun keep thinking tt it's tiring or boring. haiz.. the last time, i was so beguiled while doing my first round, that it tired me so much to continue for the second one.

oh, n n i've set a challenge for myself for tis coming half marathon. i'll run all the wayyy!.. hee.. for those who dunno, the prev ones, i did them half run, half walk.. so mb if i intend on setting a record of 2hours (personal record, not any world-breaking record, mind u!) then i may as well hv to run thru'out. so heh.. first thing is to hv a strong will power n train hard!!! ;)

had two rice dumplings for bfast. hee.. why do i make mention of sth so trivial? well, it all lies in where the dumplings came from. hehehe... my 2nd bro's girlfriend's mom made them. huhuhu.. now now, i m not the one putting in words k.. the "girlfriend" term came from my mom herself. she was the one telling me that last nite.. n when i queried if that was what my 2nd bro said.. of cos not. *chuckles.. haiz.. jus bcos my bro said he might bring her up for dinner one day.. ahem.. hahaa.. i told my 2nd bro tis morn.. he was so amused. hehe.. yea.. the little happenings in my home. :)

n yesterday evening i finally get to go to the Spore Art Museum again - my 2nd visit, i think. i really wish i can flip thru the sketches of the 1st artist's books on display (i forgot his name!). so nice to see what kind of notes/sketches he would take down. haiz.. i might seem a little nosy to some.. hehe.. but this is the kinda thing i like to do. thanks Sin for the tour, n Andrea for the company (nice seeing u again!!! n yes, i type frivolous things on bloggie too.. :P), n of cos warm welcome-back *huggies* to Fongky! it was a most enjoyable evening with good company.. *wink wink* at FK. :P

Friday, June 10, 2005

out of boredom:

You scored as Utilitarianism. Your life is guided by the principles of Utilitarianism: You seek the greatest good for the greatest number.

"The said truth is that it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong."
--Jeremy Bentham

"Whenever the general disposition of the people is such, that each individual regards those only of his interests which are selfish, and does not dwell on, or concern himself for, his share of the general interest, in such a state of things, good government is impossible."
--John Stuart Mill

More info at Arocoun's" Wikipedia User Page...

100% Hedonism
100% Utilitarianism
95% Divine Command
75% Kantianism
65% Justice (Fairness)
60% Apathy
35% Existentialism
30% Strong Egoism
0% Nihilism

What philosophy do you follow? (v1.03)
created with
good morning! i decided to do a little blogging early tis morning before my colleague comes in and robs me of my private moment with u. ;)

well, the reason for my coming early tis morning is simple: i left early from work yesterday. u know how guilt is able to work its way in, and my usual excuse for going off early would b that i'd replace the time another day. n i mean it. see, i'm here now. hahaa.. the exact reason why i'm typing tis out is to stifle my guilt a little.. okie okie, i will try to stick my usual working hours, or at least be more productive at work. hehh..

anyway, yesterday i had to go all the way Bedok for stair-climbing training. it's for the Mt K expedition. it's been bout a week now that i've been confirmed to join the group. yayyy.. i'd b able to go. :) so yesterday, i was doing my part to remonstrate my participation, which was ultimately needless cos i was told earlier on that i cld go for other group's training. but i wanna build group dynamism here; alas, onli 4 of us in total went for the exercise yesterday. :S but i get to enjoy the famous Bedok hokkien mee.. hehee.. :d

besides Mt K, i'd be going Bangkok!!! yes yes yes.. the tixs have been bought bcos AirAsia is having offer of $19.99 for one-way, plus taxes n other fees, it onli totals up to ~$90 per person for a two-way tix.. hehee.. i love good deals. now i hv to plan out what places to go to, n where to stay, etc.. tis is kinda like my first time gg somewhere n having to plan for it myself. kinda fun though. get to see the entire map of Bangkok, look up the places of interest. if tis catches on, i might try to save up n go another regional area tis year.. but i'm oredi spending a lot now.. :P

anyway, tis is a trip i plan to bring my mom for some time, since last year actually. she turned 50 last year, n i promised her before that when she's 50, i'll bring her around the world. well, i'll start with somewhere near 1st.. hehee.. the onli thing i'll b missing out when traveling with my mom would b a more active n adventurous tour ard the place. i'd love to cycle, n i read that u'd get to see more of Bangkok (actually Thailand on the whole) on bike. hm.. mb another time. i doubt one can explore the whole of Bangkok in just one trip there. ;)