Friday, October 31, 2003

what do u call pigs that fly?

muahahaa... see, pigs CAN fly.. yayy... nyanyanya.. sorry for being so conny. i beg to be excused for the cause of such absurdity is due to that of the inevitable arrival of a test paper tmr morning. (this morning.. sighh)...

Thursday, October 30, 2003

actually wanted to post that song in the afternoon but blogger was down! yikes.. but it was only down for a short maintenance.. glad to see it up n running again.. hee.. o dear.. am i a blog addict now? haha.. sighh... :P
Song of the day: by Seals and Crofts

my father told me not to go near them
He said he feared them always
And he told me that they carried him away

Beautiful Windflowers
I couldn't wait to touch them
To smell them I held them closely
And now I cannot break away
Their sweet bouquet disappears
Like the vapor in the desert
So,take a warning, son

Ancient windflowers
Their beauty
Capture every young dreamer who lingers near them
But ancient windflowers, I love you
sometimes one mus wonder if it is necessary to blog so often? indeed, sOmeOne may blog jus to release one's overflowing creativity juices. may one never goes beyond the toxicity level that will stimulate the adverse effect of what is known as... (read this!)
haha.. actually i jus entered that prev post.. but i wrote it down in black n white (trust me, i used black ink!) at that time after i sms-ed to sOmeOne.. then i took some time to make a check on myself why do i feel so optimistic sometimes.. so i came up with that entry. :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

optimism seems to reign in my life and yet one stops to ponder over this idealistic claim as one relates to the two sides of the coin in this world. surely pessimism is just lurking somewhere nearby. yet, nay, i cry obstinacy in the belief of the presence and absence, that pessimism never does exist, merely it is the absence of optimism. and so, my soul shall rejoice once again to be living in His Presence.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

from the thundering waterfall where one stands near, one can feel the refreshing spray, down to the murmuring brook that lies still and sheltered from the harmful rays of the sun...

one shall think that a waterfall is too beautiful a sight to withdraw from, too compelling an attraction to keep away. the sense of danger, the smell of adventure that lies so deeply knotted together. it is a desire gone awry, anguish, despair and helplessness thrown aside. only the sense of accomplishment hangs damply and invitingly in the air.

yet one may be equally enthralled by the stillness of the brook. the peace. the quietness. the joy of silence. one can be assured that nothing will go wrong. everything seems to work out right. the certainty and comfort that lay within the vast calmness of body of water. depth has found its meaning, life has found its worth.

what then shall it be? the waterfall or the brook?

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Song of the day...

Sammi Cheng's Kuai Le Bu Kuai Le

ka fei dan le
shi ying wei bing kuai rong le
mei ze me le dan le jiu shi dan le
ge zai zhuo shang hai yao bu yao

bu zai ai le shi ying wei gan qing huai le
ni ze me le huai le jiu shi huai le
mei you she me da bu liao

wo men bu kuai le kuai le hou bu zai kuai le
jiu zai zui hou de yi miao bao le wen le ku le
kuai le bu kuai le mei she me kuai bu kuai le
jiu zai zui hou de yi miao
wo me de guan xi jiu zhe yang le

tian liang qi le shi ying wei xin qing hao le
mei ze me le wo hui ai shang lin wai bie ren
ai qing da gai dou zhe yang le

... cold, very cold ...

Saturday, October 25, 2003

hm.. had a nice nua-ing session at fongky's place. then she popped up the qstn that i shd be more mature now in terms of relationships (BGR) such that the next one that comes, well... that shd b the one. heh. how true is that, i wonder? anyway, i wasnt thinking too much bout that, was pondering more on what hav i learnt previously bout relationship? hm hm hm...

had a boyfren once before. number one thing i learnt from there is that looks doesnt matter that much. haa.. guess this shd b quite an established rule of the thumb for most ppl, ya.. but still, aiks, looks matter slightly on first impression, it's after u get to know the person well then u'll know, looks are jus secondary.

apart from that, age matters a lot cos with it comes the maturity n the capability to go beyond. ya ya, ppl can say that u need not b old in age to b matured, but i got kinda sick when it suddenly struck me how young my ex was, that was when we were still going out tgether. o man.. the sudden dawning of realisation.. not fun, trust me. n the bit bout going beyond.. well, if he's too young, not established career-wise, how to set up family woh. i mean, the final destination to a relationship would b to hav a family of ur own, right? (somehow i feel some ppl will wanna disagree.. haha.. :P)

next ah... i learn not to poke my nose where it's not wanted. no point being in a relationship when u know u or the guy is not ready. not the time yet. so why wanna start something? anyway, me feel that it's time things work the other way round. time for a guy to come n chase after me.. haha.. paiseh to say that last time i was the pro-active one.. kekeke... n i'll make sure not to make things so easy this time round.. hahaha.. i'm thinking of flowers, candlelight dinners, movies... nyanyanyaa..

o yaa.. one impt thing.. must be able to click. heh. guess this is a common point too, yups? click meaning that can really talk lor. not one way communication. not always i whine to him.. or he complains to me.. but where both of us can share our lives, able to lift each other's burden.. my prev one was simply sweet talk from sunrise to sun set.. hahaha.. if i tell u one of our conversations, u will hav goosebumps.. nothing serious, or practical really.. jus junk to put it in a crude sense. so nops, i dun want this anymore..

so what's next brown cow? haha.. what's next for me? wait lor.. shall wait til someone (with all the characteristics that i want, or am praying for) comes n woo me.. hohoho.. :P
Conscious self
Overall self
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

so what do u think? does it describe me? :P
sometimes what we want is not what's good for us, or not what we need, or worse still, not what we really want.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

parallel lines!.. yes, back to what i was talking bout...

once my godfather told me something interesting bout parallel lines... or rather jus bout lines... he said some lines jus cross each other once, n that's it... some never meet at all.. parallel lines are different... sometimes they may be so near to each other, never crossing, but close.. then at times, they seem to be further... the scariest part is if they do meet and cross each other, will they stay close after that, or diverge far away?...

ahh.. interesting parallel lines.. now what do they mean? hehe... lemme hear what you hav to say ba.. then i will tell u what he's saying to me next time.. ;)
my fren got this on her blog n me think it's kinda fun to test out how goOD ur blog is.. hehehe.. though i can say it cant b totally trusted.. changes over time, which is actually quite like humans also.. our goODneSs changes over time too.. hehehe...

my blog's rating:
This site is certified 32% EVIL by the Gematriculator
This site is certified 68% GOOD by the Gematriculator

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

"Life is full of surprises; might two parallel lines one day meet?"

Sunday, October 19, 2003

to have the greatest satisfaction, or contentment, from the smallest amount is the most blessed of all.
arrived at my lab safe n sound. mus really thank God for the protection everytime i go out or back to pgp at odd hours of the day.. haha.. i got frightened this morning though.. no, not by humans, not by ghosts... but by....... cockroaches! haha... seriously know, they made me jump. scary lil creatures.. :P

ode to a friend

i can't help but feel
that we are close
though distant in space
close at heart

when you come to mind
i smile, sometimes laugh
for you're a joy
cheering me up

at times when i'm down
somehow you know too
you're there for me
giving of yourself

what more can i do
or say that's sufficient?
any way to express
my heart's gratitude?

i only can think of
writing this simple ode
to say thank you
my dear friend.

hm.. me no brilliant poet.. haha.. :P

Saturday, October 18, 2003

now i know why the word sojourn liaoz.. cos i will never try to get up that early in the morning jus to go lab n add drugs to my cells. haiz.. jus realise that i could hav planned better n do this at a much later time.. sheesh, talk about good time management.. :P

anyway, i made a mistake again. i added the drug too early for one experimental set. so i will hav to go school as early as 4am the next day! aaah... i'm gonna b a nocturnal guinea piggie soon.. haha...
the morning sojourner.

actually, i jus chked out the meaning of sojourn n it doesnt really describe my walk to school this morning, but anyhow, it sounds fit to be put up there. so i shall leave it there. ;)

before i went out this morning, it started to rain. so, i was dreading being drenched wet cos it wun b such a good feeling if u're wet n u hav one whole day of activities before u. but anyway, God is fantastic. He made the rain stop when i'm leaving for school. So wonderful. *Thank You, Lord!* Hee.. I think God is bringing me thru a time of thanksgiving, whereby i give thanks not only in good times, but also in bad times. well, this wun b easy cos i complain quite a lot. Haha..

anyway, jus wanna blog down the songs that came to mind this morning. what a wonderful day to start off with a refreshing walk, and beautiful songs that fill one's mind n comes out of one's mouth. Lovely.

First song is on God's goodness, i'm sure most of u know this song.. ;)

God is so good, *hallelujah* (x3)
He's so good to me!

Then there's the jap version:

Shu wa subarashi, *hallelujah* (x3)
Watashi no Shu.

which actually made me remember another song which i jus learnt from this week's jap class, but alas, i forgot how the jap version goes... anyway, the Eng version:

In Your Time, in Your Time,
You make all things beautiful
In Your Time.
Lord my life to You I bring
May each song I have to sing
Be to You a lovely thing
In Your Time.

Lovely. :)

May God bless each and everyone of us a wonderful Saturday... and yes! i'm excited bout church later. Sonic Edge gonna perform 'live'!!! woaa... gonna rock the House of God. hahaha.. God bless!~

Friday, October 17, 2003

Friendship is such a wonderful gift from God above. And this blog is a great way for me to pay tribute to Him and to all my friends. Some who are very close to me n my heart, some who were once close but still in my heart... and also to those who have yet to know me more. :)

I love the quote from A Chance of Sunshine by Jimmy Liao, which he took from the polish poet Wislawa Szymborska, called "Love at first sight":

They're both convinced
that a sudden passion joined them,
such certainty is beautiful
but uncertainty is more beautiful still.

I'm sure a lot of blogs hav included this verse, so why should i do the same? heh... cos i love this verse? ya, i do. haha.. i'm quite sentimental n easily touched. almost cried when i watched 'turn left turn right'. (ya, i know i'm very that duh.. but dun u guys find that part when she said that she has lost her shadow ever so moving..?! sigh...)

anyway, what has this poem got to do with my friends? well, i meet a lot of people as i move on in my life. i can say that i'm blessed to get to know so many interesting and wonderful people as i grow. some friends are just magical. they appear in ur life jus when u needed them most. some appear by fate, and u know, that they are meant to be friends for life. u just know. even when years go by, n u may not get to see them as often, or even be as close as u once were (trust me, this happens very often in my life)... u'll never forget them. and there'll always be the time when once again u and ur friend re-live that moment in ur life when u both were once close. sweet memories. i hav lots of them, and thankful for every one of them. all of u contribute to the long term potential electric currents that are pulsating thru my neuronal brain cells. haha.. sorry, me bio student wat. :P

hey, guess what!.. i'm beginning to blog longer. hehehe... jus my way of keeping in touch with all of u, and a subtle way for me to say thanks, u all mean a lot to me. :)

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We get out of the deepest wells by not stopping, never giving up, shaking it off, and taking a step up! ;)

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

it has indeed been an enriching day. lemme share what i've learnt in chronological order.. haha.. :P

BY4103... my lab module... the lect was quite dull. haha. fell asleep here n there. but then the video session was cool. our lecturer showed us about stem cell applications in the medical arena (broadcasted by discovery channel.. hm, think i ought to spend more time watching this channel.. haa..). it's totally out of this world. think of taking stem cells from the bone marrow n putting them into the failing heart's weak muscle to strengthen it. talk about the wonders of the cell! here, the stem cell just begins to mimick the heart cells.. wow!

then after lect, me bumped into a fren, went with her to lib for a while. she showed me this book called "Improve Your Grades" by Veltisezan B. Bantista (all rights n credits need to b given to this inspirational writer!)... lemme share with u excerpts from his book, may they encourage u n boost u up for the coming final exams *dread*.. haha.. do read.. they're really good!

An American Creed
I do not choose to be a common man. It is my right to be uncommon if I can. I seek opportunity - not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen: humbled, dulled, by having the State look after me. I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and build; to fail or succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole.
I prefer the challenge of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the state calm of utophia.
I will not trade freedom for benevolence, nor my dignity for a handout.
I will never lower before any master nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid; to think and act for myself; enjoy the benefits of my creation, and to face the world boldly and say:
This I have done!
--- Anonymous ---

chim eh.. okie, now for a language that we really understand, n a dose that we need desperately...

The same book, but the author took it from the Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino...

I will persist until I succeed.
Henceforth, I will consider each day's effort as but one blow of my blade against a mighty oak. The first blow may cause not a tremor in the wood, nor the second, nor the third. Each blow, of itself, may be trifling, and seem of no consequence. Yet from childish swipes the oak will eventually tumble. So it will be with my effort of today.
I will be likened to the raindrop which washes away the mountain; the ant who devours a tiger; the star which brightens the earth; the slave who builds the pyramid. I will build my castle one brick at a time for I know that small attempts, repeated, will complete any undertaking.
I will persist until I succeed.

And this is an excerpt from the book itself... actually i've heard the story many times before, n i'm sure most of you hav too.. but well, the last sentence, how the author actually draws the analogy from the story to apply to the students really struck me...

A man once asked three labourers what they were doing. The first labourer said, "I'm laying a brick." The second labourer gave a similar response. The third labourer said, "I'm building a church!" The third labourer was enthusiastic; he was inspired because he was building a church! And when you're studying, you're not just reading books and taking notes. You're making your own destiny!

SO GIDDY UP, PEOPLE! Time to look at study life at a totally new perspective. ;)

Saturday, October 11, 2003

one-and-two*dang*-and*dang*-three*dang*... opps


one-and-two*dang*-and*dang*-three-and*dang*-and*dang*... opps



sigh.. that went on incessantly this morning as i was trying to play the intro to the song Superman.. only the intro part leh. then the song part is more enjoyable la, cos makes more sense with the words n the sound ma.. u can actually tell that it's a song.. but even then the part with the lyrics hav to count... sigh.. still dun get what i'm saying? hehee.. me now learning to play the piano. nyanya.. (thanks FONGKY!!! hehe.. must giv u credits here ma.. *winks*)

but i like the song *thumbs up!*...
cos it has sth to do with flying too.. hehe.. ;)
(thanks FONGKY!!! :D)


I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
The better part of me
I'm more than a bird
I'm more than a plane
More than some pretty face
beside a train
It's not easy to be me
Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
about a home I'll never see
It may sound absurd
but don't be naive
Even heros have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed
but won't you concede
Even heros have the right to dream
It's not easy to be me
Up, up and away
Away from me
It's all right
You can sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy or anything
I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
Men weren't meant to ride
with clouds beneath their knees
I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
digging for a krytonite
on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
looking for special things
inside of me, inside of me
inside of me, inside of me
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
Only a man looking for his dream
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
It's not easy, it's not easy to be me

anyone knows who sang this song? :)

Thursday, October 09, 2003


Forsaking All I Trust Him (F.A.I.T.H)

"Purpose has pain with it. Sometimes the pain associated with purpose is when you have to make sacrifices of your time, of your money, of your energy. When you have to say no when everybody else is having fun; and you have to say no because you are focused on your purpose."

Dr A. R Bernard


me found the wonderful above stuff in someone's fwded email... no, that is not what she fwded to me, but more like her other fren's signature msg which i find truly meaningful. cool! ;)

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

So upsetting, can't get the poem that my church senior pastor shared during service last 27 Sept. Thought that it was really meaningful cos it has sth about wings n flying... Hee, dun get why i'm so crazy bout these two? look up at the description of my blog...

Anyway, good news is that... i got part of the song that we sang during service that also has wings n flying.. hee... thank God... only part of it, cos can't find the full lyrics online n my fren has lent her copy of the CD to her fren... anywayz, better than nothing!

..:Hillsong's Free:..

Believe me if I say,
That nothing is ever impossible for God

If I had wing I would fly
Because all I need, You are
And if the world came in around me
To You I’ll still hold on
Cos You’re all that I believe
You’re the only One I need
Jesus, because of You,
I’m free

Click on the hypertext of the title to hear this part of the song.. enjoy! ;)

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

i feel like i'm a stepping stone
helping others to achieve
yet being pushed down myself

i feel like i'm a stepping stone
though pushed n hard-pressed
my Foundation is all the stronger