Tuesday, November 04, 2008

i feel so...



i feel so cold.

i tell myself, 10pm...

i have until 10pm.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tomorrow I'd be going for 15km NB real run. Low confidence that I'd get good timing because I have not been training much lately. Low confidence. That's the phrase. I sat for a test today. I can't say it turned out badly. In fact, I'm glad that I could understand the questions. Just that getting them correctly answered may be a different thing altogether.

Actually it was more of the sequence of events that happened before that which actually made me feel as I do now. How I wish I could have reacted differently. A better handle in my work and study life. There has to be a balance, somehow.

Anyway, just want to share that as I was walking towards Jurong East MRT on Friday night, I suddenly felt that I'm just an ordinary person in the midst of so many people. Just one of the many many people. And yet I felt at ease with this fact. No, I did not feel insignificant. It made me feel alright that I could hide myself in the midst of so many people. No one knows who I am, what I do. They just see me as a girl, going up the escalator to the platform. I like that. Maybe that explains why I like being in Singapore, a place with so many people.

Ah, life...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Told FK that I'd write in a post today.

Yes, it has been an eventful day. We were expecting reporters, and being the "camera shy" that I am (yea, right!), I did not want to appear in camera while doing real work. So I went in early to settle my work, which is quite a norm nowadays. Then I was settling some paperwork (oh God, there's so much paperwork to do!), when in walked my boss. I did not expect him to be so early because I thought he would be attending the opening ceremony at the other building.

Anyway, to cut the long story short, he mentioned much later that the reporters were not coming to our lab. I think I could understand better why he did not appear up there in the morning now. Hehh... Then the whole day went like a breeze. Trying to create prospective worksheet for the new reports is just terrible. I'd still need to optimize on that step.

Talked to my colleagues a lot today. Maybe that's one of my main time-wasters, but sometimes such talks are rather important in fostering good working relationship, no? Haiz... Anyway, things are moving upscale in my lab, and we are all mighty uncomfy about it... O well, to learn how to cope...

Phrases for today and the past week: policy, starfish, cascade of events.. Hahas...

Love my colleagues! We went for dinner together. It was rather impromptu, but since my mom isn't around, and it was rather late by the time we left the lab, so we went to Seah Im hawker centre to eat. And we continued to talk there. My colleagues are very fun n a laughing lot. Haa.. Love them, love them. =D

And here me quote this: an apple a day does not keep the doctor(s) away, at least not for me and my colleagues. Hahaa...

Monday, October 06, 2008

I've finished my assignment!!! =D

Felt like how the first assignment paper on kidney sale was like. Only that this time, I think I put in more effort. Hee... Yes, it is going to get better.

Go, go, go...

Saturday, October 04, 2008


i'm crazy over this song now...

the heart of the matter is
...a matter of the heart...

Friday, October 03, 2008

Well, there's some sunshine after the rain. =)

We got a new doctor attached to our lab for training in molecular pathology. He has his ways of making himself likeable and cute. Hahas.. At least cute to me. And he has been quite helpful in releasing tension and stress, although at other times, he does add on a lot more stress.. Hmm..

In regards to studies, I felt poorly again. As usual, not as prepared as I would have liked. I did not even attend the meeting that my group had because I realized a day before that the meeting was set at 330pm. Such an untimely hour! The fact that my colleague was on leave, means that a lot of the routine work had to be covered by me. So there was no going off for meeting. Perhaps it was better that way. I did try to contribute... O sigh...

Today I announced to my labmates my expected day, or rather my "miss expiry". Well, it's probably wrong English, or wrong phrasing. To me, it just means that is a day that I will not be a "miss" anymore. Hahas... I put that "miss expiry" date at the back of chocolate bars, but they did not really take note until I asked them. So finally they understood. =)

Work is work

Study is study

Wa, that sounds most philosophical... =P

Ultimately, life is good!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Last week I felt like a lousy student.

This week I felt like a lousy fiance.

But God, You told me that no matter how lousy I feel that I am, my worth is still in You. Like the $50 note that is crumpled, trampled on, it is still worth $50. I'm only discovering, or rather re-discovering, my worth in You.

Last week I did not prepare well for a group meeting. Thus I wasn't able to contribute much, and it felt so wrong that I had to leave early because I only had one-hour lunch break for that meeting.

(Omigosh, I remember what I dreamt last night! For the past two nights, the drugs have sedated me into a drowsy state but I had this conscious feeling that I know I was asleep, but I didn't sleep well. Last night's dream was when I entered the COFM computer lab for some other purpose, then I realize that the rest of my classmates were there, attending a tutorial which I forgot about!)

Then, preparing for wedding also puts me in a bad notch with WL. I don't understand why I must be in such an irritated state to get my point or idea across. I guess I need to watch it because it's not very helpful.

And now it's mid-term break. I really hope to catch up with my study, especially in reading up from other books, not just relying on lecture notes.

Hope to report better news in my next entry.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Somehow I found myself here on a Saturday afternoon when I'm supposed to be doing something else, like counting the number of lanterns I have so that I can bring them down for the mooncake fez tonight. Somehow, here I am!

Anyway, I have a draft blog to complete. Wrote the draft half-way between my intensive course during the first week of last month, and I have left it there, dangling. What an awful sight, what a shame to me! The draft goes:


I told myself that on the first day that I embark into my Masters course, I wanted to keep a record of what I learn. Well, not literally, of course. I just want to jot down some reflection. In fact, passing my 28th year has caused me to realise that I have very little memory left of what went on for the past few years. Truly said, I have lived and yet have lived not if I remember them not.


Day One - 4th August 2008

I sat down for a lecture after almost 4 years of absence from this scene. It was familiar, yet bred a certain unfamiliarity. I was unprepared, as I had the premonition a week ago when I matriculated and I absentminded forgot the actual day for matriculation.


Sigh... anyway, better late than never. So let me start with today:

6th Sept 2008

I went to FK's sister's wedding. Now I recall, I stand corrected as it is not my first Catholic wedding because I attended my friend's one in KL, but it is still very much my first one in Singapore. The feeling of being in an old establishment is so different: the stained glass, with depictions of Mother Mary and possibly one of Jesus; the curved ceiling with the paint peeling off; and the voluminous choir singing filling the empty spaces. I was transported into the old times in a monastery, possibly in Spain. I felt at peace. I usually have this feeling when I'm in the sanctuary, a Catholic sanctuary. Or even the Anglican Cathedral.

4th Sept 2008

I had a run after class today. And of all days, I received an email from the Campus Security warning people of a molestor who attacked someone on 2nd Sept. Just merely 2 days ago. No matter, I had made up my mind to run on the tracks anyway. I ran close to 9 rounds. They closed the lights at 10pm - a sign for me to go home.

3rd Sept 2008

I woke up with an sms in my handphone that says I was late for breakfast. I forgot, I was on leave that day. Apologized. Things seemed to be flowing out of place lately. Keeping appointments and getting things done are not in order. It was my mother's birthday, so I decided to take a day off to be with her. We went for facial and then a body spa. Sadly though that the facial did not work for her. It left her with a bitter taste in her mouth, and I wished, how I wished that did not occur to her. Sigh. My family and I had dinner at CDANS, quite an expensive meal.

1st Sept 2008

The first day of fasting for my Muslim friends.

30th August 2008

I slept at 5am this morning. All because I got caught up with watching a Japanese drama called Nodame Cantibile. I like the classical music fused with the storyline. And the animated acting reminds me so much of anime. Well, the show is adapted from manga/ anime. Chiaki-senpai wa kakkoi ne! And I begin to miss Japanese a lot.

24th August 2008

My countless times of joining the SAFRA 21km run. I did not do well. I fell sick during my first week of intensive course, and I had not been able to run since then. Excuses, I know. My timing was close to 3hours. I'll need to work on that, really hard. My next chance to show that I'm still fit is during the NB Real Run, coming up in October. I want to do well. At least for myself.

23rd August 2008

Together with my Cross Cultural team, we went for a hike from PGP to Vivocity. It took us 4 hours, which was way above my estimation of 2 hours. Well, it was raining, and we started late. But more than that, we took our time at each points to take pictures, chat, so I'd probably need to put that in my calculations next time. Overall, it was a good time, of being together.

21st August 2008

I went for a dinner buffet with my friends at work. We thought that it has been a tiring week, and we'd need to de-stress. Our first choice was to go Carousel at the Royal Park Hotel, but that place was fully booked. So my friends searched hard to look for an alternative. In the end, we went to a nearby place at Clementi Woods, known as Sakura. It was an impressive restaurant with layers of buffet trays. One layer for Japanese sushi and dessert, another layer for Chinese dim sums, other dishes. And there were many many tables, up to 100 odd tables!

17th August 2008

Wei Lit and I sat down for our last session with our pastors in regards to our marriage preparation. Finally we set a date. However, it was sobering day, to realise so many things. Even the sermon was sobering, to be reminded of my past achievement if weighed in God's eyes.

15th August 2008

I sat down for my first exam paper after such a long time. I'm not sure how I'd perform, and I know that I did not write a very sound and concrete answer to the main question. Still I hope that I have conveyed my thoughts. After all, that was what Prof Lim said was important - our thinking. Yet I can't help but feel that my thoughts are quite shallow. I'm aiming for a B, at least.

4th - 8th August 2008

My one week intensive course for my first module in my Masters course. I fell sick in the middle of this week, most probably because of the incubation from morning to evening in the lecture theatre, and also because of late nights.

[note: i'll edit and add more, running out of time now. Need to really count lanterns, and get going for today]

Friday, April 18, 2008

Went to watch The Other Boleyn Girl with FK last Tuesday. Was rather surprised that it's based on some history facts, so I went digging about what is fact, and what is not. Read about King Henry VIII who was the king featured in the movie. I remember there was one cruel King Henry, he was the one.

Anyway, it landed with an interesting discussion with FK about kings. How we commoners - or rather myself - tend to have a higher expectation for the royalty, and forget that they too are humans, prone to make mistakes. Yet cliche as it is from the Spiderman movie, with great power comes great responsibility. I just feel it is wrong for royalty to go about doing immoral mistakes that involve stealing someone's wife, killing and being unjust.

Sigh... Human history can be so sad sometimes. Think about all the wars, all the injustice. Human is just so imperfect, that it is beyond human nature to be able to rule.

But when they said, "Give us a king to lead us," this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the LORD. And the LORD told him: "Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you. Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will do." 1 Sam 8:6-9

To those interested, you may read more in 1 Sam 8 to find out how the first king was installed over Israel - God's Chosen Nation, Whom He rules over. Yet the people chose another mortal being, like themselves, to be their mortal king. Of course, God knew the terrible things that awaited them...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm in a blogging high mood these days. Thanks to the other blogsite owned by my church group (i'll put up the link to there soon). Then as I look at my own bloggie - oh what a debilated state! Hahas...

I'm really not one for keeping up with the latest trends - Friendster, Multiply, Tagged, Facebook... I have accounts in all of them, I think, but keeping up with them is another business altogether. So far, blogspot works the best for me, and also at times, keeping up with my friends' blogs too. But don't be alarmed that there are times when I go on blog vacations. Hahas...

Catching me 'live' is quite tough too. I need to squeeze out time, as my colleagues teased me, for my 1 million over friends. Hahas.. O well, I'm worth the catch, if you know what I mean. *chuckles*

Mom's back from KK, after a visit to my sister. She's much much better than what she sounded on the phone. The trip there, the weather were not kind to her, but God is. She recovered much faster than she normally does when she's here. Praise God. =)

Other updates... Hmm... Nothing much yet. Boss is away for a week, AACR conference. I wonder when I will be able to go. O well, US is never on my mind. Japan, Japan is where I want to go. Hahas... God, possible? =)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

my heart is heavy because of something that has beset my family.

still, i'll want to share a heart-lightening message, something that took place last week.

i found out that my ring size is 12. catch up with me to find out more. ;)

of cos, i've to thank certain ppl for making that day possible: WL (main character); Siti (innocent bystander); FK (shrewd conspirator); and others who shared in the joy and prayed for the best possible outcome. :)

~Ps 57:7
My heart is steadfast, O God,
my heart is steadfast;
I will sing and make music.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Had for cell retreat at my pastor's house over the weekend, and boy was I surprised! If you know my pastor, you won't imagine his place to have such a cool modern layout, and after he gave us a lecture on home décor, he really puts in much thoughts to the colour, shape and concept of what feeling he wants to bring across to people. For example, it is good for the kitchen to have appetizing colours like orange, green or red. He also mentions that one must exert discipline and self control when buying things for the house because what may look nice in a shop, will turn out awful if it doesn't match the house.

On top of that, pastor also shared about relationship, and he showed us his proposal video! Wow... I'm so glad to know this side of my pastor which I rarely see in normal circumstances because I hardly hang out with him. :)

But the retreat is not just knowing my pastor better, it is also getting to know the rest of the people. And we had a good time of games and fun at MacRitchie Reservoir on Sat. Thanks to Audrey for planning (Yong Chern too) and carrying out the games together with me. Sposed to run 3.2km, but the rain kept us in the pavillion. So we played riddles on guessing how certain things happen.

And more importantly, this retreat is about aligning our hearts with what God wants to do in our lives in this year of Sabbath. Not to do as I please, but to honour His holy day.

Went running with FK on Monday. Good that she came early then we could run longer. Took the long PP route, and it was simply relaxing and refreshing to run in the aftermath of a downpour. The clouds were still dripping some drapes of leftover water, and we thought more was to come so we cancelled the later run at PGP.

Told FK the coming of some possibilities in my life. In fact, I'm very glad to be able to tell her a great many things in my life. Thanks chum, for being such a good listener. I can only hope to be the same to you, if not less cornier (I promise to eat less corn before I meet you or J next time.. :p).

Once the possibilities become a reality, I'll update here so that you may share in my joy (and suffering!).

May God's provision be with us this day to know what He has secured as our lot will not be taken away (Ps 16:5).

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Went running with my regulars yesterday, with two new recruits. So for the latter's sake, we chose a flat and relatively short path to West Coast, and since we were there, might as well take a swing or two on the flying fox (if I do not remember the name of that play station wrongly).

Climbed up to the safety net of the pyramid structure too. Been a long time back since I last did that. FK said it was in 2003-4 when I was still in NUS, during our exam times. Yea, those were crazy running days. But somethings never change: how I can crack corny and lame jokes while running, how I'm still scared of moving in and out of that safety net of the pyramid. If you look into my eyes then, you'd register fear.

Anyway, cruising on bus 188 now as I am penning this down on baby - my new PDA, a gift fr WL, to spur me to write as and when I can. Quite handy, and help me to do away with all the little note pads I keep in my bag. Baby says "Welcome to the technology world."

Saturday, January 05, 2008


Yes, I decided to re-appear again. But this time round with a stronger resolve, especially when I plan to turn this into my running blog. Heee.. Then I can share where I've been running, how I felt, etc... =)

Ran this morning. Felt great!... Read the Psalm this morning before I ran. Now in my church, we're all reading a Psalm a Day, so 5th Jan means Psalm 5, in which the psalmist says, "In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning, I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." What a lovely way to start a morning, and to start my running. =D

Signed up for sundownmarathon too. An inaugural event organized by Adidas. The unique features revolves around starting off in the evening, and running in the East, the lovely East of Singapore!.. Wow... That intrigues me far beyond because I love the East, the lovely East of Singapore. What a lovely run that would be!... Of course, training comes before that, but well, like what Lex said, plenty of time to train (if I start now, that is!).

Lovely day~