Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Went running with my regulars yesterday, with two new recruits. So for the latter's sake, we chose a flat and relatively short path to West Coast, and since we were there, might as well take a swing or two on the flying fox (if I do not remember the name of that play station wrongly).

Climbed up to the safety net of the pyramid structure too. Been a long time back since I last did that. FK said it was in 2003-4 when I was still in NUS, during our exam times. Yea, those were crazy running days. But somethings never change: how I can crack corny and lame jokes while running, how I'm still scared of moving in and out of that safety net of the pyramid. If you look into my eyes then, you'd register fear.

Anyway, cruising on bus 188 now as I am penning this down on baby - my new PDA, a gift fr WL, to spur me to write as and when I can. Quite handy, and help me to do away with all the little note pads I keep in my bag. Baby says "Welcome to the technology world."

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