Saturday, January 05, 2008


Yes, I decided to re-appear again. But this time round with a stronger resolve, especially when I plan to turn this into my running blog. Heee.. Then I can share where I've been running, how I felt, etc... =)

Ran this morning. Felt great!... Read the Psalm this morning before I ran. Now in my church, we're all reading a Psalm a Day, so 5th Jan means Psalm 5, in which the psalmist says, "In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning, I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." What a lovely way to start a morning, and to start my running. =D

Signed up for sundownmarathon too. An inaugural event organized by Adidas. The unique features revolves around starting off in the evening, and running in the East, the lovely East of Singapore!.. Wow... That intrigues me far beyond because I love the East, the lovely East of Singapore. What a lovely run that would be!... Of course, training comes before that, but well, like what Lex said, plenty of time to train (if I start now, that is!).

Lovely day~

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