Friday, October 03, 2008

Well, there's some sunshine after the rain. =)

We got a new doctor attached to our lab for training in molecular pathology. He has his ways of making himself likeable and cute. Hahas.. At least cute to me. And he has been quite helpful in releasing tension and stress, although at other times, he does add on a lot more stress.. Hmm..

In regards to studies, I felt poorly again. As usual, not as prepared as I would have liked. I did not even attend the meeting that my group had because I realized a day before that the meeting was set at 330pm. Such an untimely hour! The fact that my colleague was on leave, means that a lot of the routine work had to be covered by me. So there was no going off for meeting. Perhaps it was better that way. I did try to contribute... O sigh...

Today I announced to my labmates my expected day, or rather my "miss expiry". Well, it's probably wrong English, or wrong phrasing. To me, it just means that is a day that I will not be a "miss" anymore. Hahas... I put that "miss expiry" date at the back of chocolate bars, but they did not really take note until I asked them. So finally they understood. =)

Work is work

Study is study

Wa, that sounds most philosophical... =P

Ultimately, life is good!

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