Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tomorrow I'd be going for 15km NB real run. Low confidence that I'd get good timing because I have not been training much lately. Low confidence. That's the phrase. I sat for a test today. I can't say it turned out badly. In fact, I'm glad that I could understand the questions. Just that getting them correctly answered may be a different thing altogether.

Actually it was more of the sequence of events that happened before that which actually made me feel as I do now. How I wish I could have reacted differently. A better handle in my work and study life. There has to be a balance, somehow.

Anyway, just want to share that as I was walking towards Jurong East MRT on Friday night, I suddenly felt that I'm just an ordinary person in the midst of so many people. Just one of the many many people. And yet I felt at ease with this fact. No, I did not feel insignificant. It made me feel alright that I could hide myself in the midst of so many people. No one knows who I am, what I do. They just see me as a girl, going up the escalator to the platform. I like that. Maybe that explains why I like being in Singapore, a place with so many people.

Ah, life...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But i know you and you are far from being ordinary. =0)