Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm in a blogging high mood these days. Thanks to the other blogsite owned by my church group (i'll put up the link to there soon). Then as I look at my own bloggie - oh what a debilated state! Hahas...

I'm really not one for keeping up with the latest trends - Friendster, Multiply, Tagged, Facebook... I have accounts in all of them, I think, but keeping up with them is another business altogether. So far, blogspot works the best for me, and also at times, keeping up with my friends' blogs too. But don't be alarmed that there are times when I go on blog vacations. Hahas...

Catching me 'live' is quite tough too. I need to squeeze out time, as my colleagues teased me, for my 1 million over friends. Hahas.. O well, I'm worth the catch, if you know what I mean. *chuckles*

Mom's back from KK, after a visit to my sister. She's much much better than what she sounded on the phone. The trip there, the weather were not kind to her, but God is. She recovered much faster than she normally does when she's here. Praise God. =)

Other updates... Hmm... Nothing much yet. Boss is away for a week, AACR conference. I wonder when I will be able to go. O well, US is never on my mind. Japan, Japan is where I want to go. Hahas... God, possible? =)

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