Wednesday, May 04, 2005

yes, Dogville is certainly something I'd never expect. Its name sounds dodgy, and perhaps a 2nd class movie. But no, Dogville is now highly recommended, and of world class standard! I really enjoyed the movie last night over at Fongky's. Without her, the movie would have been non-existence for me. *thanx gal!

The part that striked me the most is that Grace is arrogant. I like the way her father depicted it. How she forgave and condone the acts of others, and it was all because she was arrogant. And Grace was like grace. She wasn't really needed by the town, in fact she was there to provide what did not need to be done, but that which you won't mind being done for you. First came the acceptance of Grace, then to forgive her, and finally to take her for granted, and to take advantage of her. And for all that, Grace is arrogant!

Other highlights in my life:

I permed my hair!!! Hahaa.. I did not want to publicize this yet until I have shocked enough people. And bless Fongky for bringing her camera as she came over to NTU to visit. I've posted my new hairdo in my yahoo photos, though don't expect too drastic a change. I decided to spare my hair from highlighting, and somehow I felt it would be very unlike me to have any other hair colour except black.

Last Friday my boss went to Swizterland with one of my postgrad students, so currently I can slack all I want in lab, considering that I don't have much ado. The postgrad is not that enthu to teach me, and neither am I that enthu to learn LC-MS (i'll spare those non-science people the "gory" details of this technique). Plus, he did not know much, so I'll just wait till my other postgrad come back, and he's more sure, I hope! So yesterday was my super slack day after the long weekend. And since Fongky popped by, we went with another friend to the coffee place in NIE as he is part-timing there. Even he doesn't know what the name of the place is, but it is cosy and I won't mind spending a whole afternoon reading. Coffee is remarkably cheap too, as you get somewhere near Coffee Bean standard. Hm, when else would I be able to find time off to sit and read there, I wonder. My boss will be back next Monday.

Today is so-so a slack day. Managed to catch a wink of two 20minutes interval while doing experiments. Then momie called during lunch hour and I had to go Jurong Point to help her open a bank account because the bank requested for a PR holder to sign credibility for her good character (what kind of new rule is this?!). So I went during my 1-hour interval. The heat today is unbearable. It gave me a splitting headache, and I was thinking of downing coffee from BoonLay to conquer drowsiness but time was not on my side. And I parted with $10 for a charity partly because the volunteer was too fast a speaker and partly because I was still in a half-dazed state. I just wanted him to go away. And for that $10 I got a booklight, so now I can use that to read books until late at night without disturbing my mother too much.

I'm craving for a run, the $3 cheesecake from the new cafe in my school, and the 50cents coffee from BoonLay NTWU.

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