Wednesday, May 04, 2005

oh yea, forgot to blog bout the eventful thurs nite. *chuckles.. went to hunt for the free red wine at CHIJMES with Fongky. hehee.. yea yea, alcoholic.. or mb the pull for free stuff is stronger and it made my skin thicker too. had to ask this other dining place first where the ladies nite would be, n those girls were very helpful too. i guess mb one alcoholic can see thru to the other one. i'm sure those girls had their fill before. *grinz..

our entrance to Liberte wasnt a grand one. it made us felt so guilty, so cheapskate. hehee.. one mus bear with the price of gg for free stuff.. so we stuffed ourselves with calamari tho we were then quite full. the red wine was okie, not those of very low or distasteful standard. it mus hv cost the place a bomb to host ladies nite, that may b why it was not written anywhere on their board. it was a cool hang-out place, only that the music got louder by the hour. but i like the feel inside the place. two glasses of red wine, n i dare not go for a third. they din offer to fill up my wine glass anyway. they were probably trained not to ask, not to serve unless requested. my alcoholic tolerance is wearing off by and by. one day i may jus get drunk by drinking beer alone.

One Night Stay at Orchard Road

I had been to Orchard to "torn" before. It was not new to me, but it was always in a big crowd and for festive occasions like Christmas eve or New Year eve. Last Thursday was a first for me alone with my faithful friend FK - a girl. There was no presence of any male egoism, and it pleased me so to be able to exude that independence from them. I felt that there was never a need for them to start off with. But as the night darkened, I harkened and grew more fearful of my surroundings. The night surrounded by light did not feel safe anymore, not as safe as it was with the warmth of male companionship.

However the pleasure of chatting with a girlfriend and of sharing a wonderful experience together was paramount. It was late, and though ceaseless thoughts of the open option to hop onto a taxi to take us home were very inviting. Yet neither of us succumbed to it. Perhaps there was a secret mission unknown to ourselves as to why we were there that night.

The hours dripped slowly by. One learns that when one waits, one ages. The first train was slow in the coming. And already FK and I were quite a sack of nerves. We had prowled from where we were seated in the hazy light of Mandarin Meritius towards the shadows of Orchard MRT, but the train station did not receive us. And again the car came to haunt us. Goodness must be so strong and inculcated in this lonely driver, else all wickedness prevailed. I took side on none, but pondered about which verdict would have been correct. My great fear that he would stop and jump out of the car to grab us did not materialize. Thank God.

Our walk towards the shadows also allowed us to brush shoulders with a prostitute. If my first sight of them in Geylang not that many weeks ago was an eye-opener, this one would be the opener to the other closed eye. She was dressed demurely and almost like any other young lady. I did not suspect anything until FK pointed out to me. Sure enough, we observed her as she went from one man to the other. At that hour and she was there. Strange things do happen when you are out in Orchard for a night.

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