Wednesday, May 18, 2005

eks.. i cant help it. i need to blog. haha.. i told myself tt i shd not come here til after i hv completed my writing, but i'm too tempted. i know it's a whole bunch of crap tt i type here, but it's okie, it helps my brain get on moving, rather than stuck at the mental block tt i find myself so often. n i've taken so many road detours tt i feel i m still getting nowhere in my writing.. hate the feeling.. wish i din jus begun writing, but tt i hv a showcase of works to choose from to submit for the writing competition. my fren is always so encouraging. she's almost done with hers (written in chinese).. til Thurs.. nothing is final til Thurs comes to an end.

i bought Simple Plan's latest album. haha.. finally cldnt resist that either. i dunno when i started to buy CDs, but they aint so bad after all. it comes with a DVD too, so tt's gotta make it worth the dollars. n onli after purchasing then i realise that i dun see the song tt i posted last week. i was a little caught in my nerves tt i wld b wasting all my money if that song isnt in that album. the guy re-assured me tt there were no new singles, n Simple Plan onli has 2 albums so far. it wasnt in the first one either. onli when i got back home, then the full assurance came. the song is also known as 'untitled'.. i even get to watch the mtv version online. it din really tie in with how i feel for the song, but it does speak a very loud msg.. go chk it out.. :)

n currently, as if i hv not told the whole world yet.. i am sick!... nth serious.. jus coughs n a small leak in the nose.. but it irritates me to the bone.. how m i sposed to enjoy my KL trip tis weekend? *darn..

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