Friday, May 13, 2005

suddenly tis song came to mind last nite n continues to haunt me today...

How Could This Happen To Me
Simple Plan

I open my eyes
I try to see but I'm blinded by the white light.
I can't remember how
I can't remember why
I'm lying here tonight
And I can't stand the pain
And I can't make it go away
No I can't stand the pain

How could this happen to me
I've made my mistakes
Got nowhere to run
The night goes on as I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life
I just want to scream
How could this happen to me

Everybody's screaming
I try to make a sound but no one hears me
I'm slipping off the edge
I'm hanging by a thread
I want to start this over again
So I try to hold
On to a time when
Nothing mattered
And I can't explain
What happened and I can't erase the things that I've done
No I can't

I've made my mistakes
Got nowhere to run
The night goes on as I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life
I just want to scream
How could this happen to me


updates: (backward)

yesterday, i went down to Liberte with a group of galfrens tis time - my batchmaties. we had a good jap meal, considerably cheap for jap food. i din eat anything raw tho chirashi was crying out to be ordered. no, i din. we shared their cold soba as a side dish. that was tantalizing. again the music at the lounge was too loud for our liking, very hard to talk there.. :(

managed to run 2 rounds at NTU.. phewww... thot i would die halfway.. almost din wanna run it for the 2nd round if not for the encouragement, or the lack of agreement for stopping.. *grinz.. (thx Sin!)..

n we - the foursome - managed to run to Orchard last Friday!! hehee.. the rain stopped jus nicely, n i simply love the lush smell of green. the fresh smell after a rain. tho cars were breezing by us, their smell was quite muffled. it reminded me very much of my first run to Orchard, about the same weather and feeling. n din was good too. i m falling in love with the small makan places at far east. food there is reasonably cheap, being in Orchard, n good too. n i get to savour canto.. love that language.. :D

oh, to share briefly on a success story about running too.. teehee.. *sheepish grin.. my 2nd brother managed to run to his "girlfren's" house somewhere near Bkt Gombak MRT.. after a few early morning runs with him, i'm so proud of him. well, our routes are usually short, medium n long n we hv to get up ard 530am! usu bcos of me as i hv to go work evry morning, not like that lucky brat who has afternoon or night shifts at times.. haiz.. my 2nd brother.. he's working his Romeo spell again.. at least i dun hv to worry bout him being gay anymore.. lol... mind u, there was a time i felt that way k!!.. :P


coming up:

tis weekend i will b gg for a 3D2N church camp.
a time for meditation. a time to think about God n my life.

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