Wednesday, May 25, 2005

jus here to say a quick 'hi' n update.. :)

anyway, i think i say n type enough bout my KL trip last weekend tho mb not here. will do a write-up on it n put it up online soon, i hope (mus practise my writing!). then got some photos, not many with me in it. will upload them soon to my yahoo photos.

funny how i tend to keep something online, n others offline.. hee.. before i forget, allow me to thank my dear sister Joy n her dearest momie for a most delicious dinner at her place last Fri. it reminded me loads bout Ipoh.. not to mention that i was the lucky brat who tasted her momie's cooking twice.. hehee.. *yumz!..

n sth else tt i found quite interesting, was telling my sisters.. heee.. i was bored on mrt one day (cant rmbr which day) then i did the most out-of-the-world thing. well, mb not to some of u. hehe.. i abused the bluetooth tech in my hp n went to seek other bluetoothed users.. hee... found two of them, then i sent pictures to them.. hey, it is free to send via infra-red n bluetooth, fyi.. hee.. but sadly, both rejected my "offer".. so heck.. tried another one.. then someone returned the favour n sent sth to me.. *so sweet!.. heee.. this is what u get for not having a love life.. *chuckles.. someone sent me a dancing piggie.. it's really cute.. i even set it as my screen saver.. hehee.. :P

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