Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A Message

It came in the middle of the night, out of the blue. A message from a friend back home (if I can still call that place as home). Not that it jolted me out of my sleep, I slept like a log and only noted the message when I got up to use the toilet. I could guess who it was from, even in my blurness of mind. It could only be him. A mutual friend who always never fails to remind me of someone else. It isn't his fault, even though I won't be sure whether he still keeps in touch with the other person. I have stopped asking though my every single conversation with this friend would leave thoughts lingering in my mind. I still think about him, but thoughts of good will like what you would normally bring up in conversation with old friends when catching up with not only our own lives but with others' who were not present with us then. Those kind of thoughts.

Yet surprisingly this is not the first message from someone I know beyond the vastness of sea that separates the place I reside now, and the place I can once say unaffectedly as home. Another was sent to me not long ago and asking for my date of return. Yes, I would very much like to go back and have a look, but I would be daunted as well by what would greet me when I get back there. Still, to return is only a matter of time, and the message is very clear: I am very much missed at home.

Monday, May 30, 2005

szeyung is an activist.. no, not in the bad sense, but may be bad for health n physical wellness.. haha... somehow i m gifted to lump a lot of activities tgether.. n then later on, i wld b left to ponder, how in the world m i going to accomplish it all?!.. *chuckles.. i mus learn n be wiser in future.. meanwhile, it's truly a fun n enjoyable challenge... jus sorry for my frens who hv to bear with tis at times.. hehee..

well, so what's happening?.. *grinz.. szeyung went for an overnight trekking from macritchie all the way to bkt timah!.. hehee.. tis event actually jus popped by my doorstep from nowhere.. i cant even rmbr how i struck up the conversation, but before i knew it, me n Fongky were geared up to go romping in the dark jungle. hehee.. with a group of 28 other people, of cos. we can even freak out staying at night on the street, talk about stepping into the jungle. no way, man!..

okie, let's take another step back.. what is the call for such an event? hehh.. me was talking to an undergrad, n she mentioned bout her coming trip to climb Mt KK.. my ears pricked up. i really wanna go climb that mountain.. n when she linked it with the welfare club, well, it all sounded too familiar. so i asked if it was the one that i heard her other undergrad fren talked about before.. n bingo.. it was the same one. i had wanted to join that one, but the undergrad told me that it was unlikely tt i would b able to join. so i told tis undergrad the same thing, n she gave me a different response - a positive reply.. it jus might be possible.. so crossing all my fingers now (Fongky, u'd better cross urs too!), that we'd b able to go n they can onli confirm in June.. so we joined them for their 3rd fitness exercise..

that's not all.. since this is organised by the welfare club, there has to be something else.. the committee is bringing the hearing impaired ppl to go climb Mt KK.. so another requirement is that we hv to pick up sign language, which is really fun!.. i've been astounded by that language ever since i helped out in children church a few years back n they taught the children how to sign while singing worship songs.. it's jus so beautiful.. tt's how i come to admire tis language.. but that night, i was so lost, lost amidst a language that i dun really understand, n dun know how to convey back to them.. but i'm glad that at the end of it all, i've picked up some n the ppl are very frenly to teach, esp the HI ppl..

was very tired when we ended on Sun morn.. n now we come to the part why szeyung is such a devious activist.. she bought 3 tix for the 1.30pm star wars movie for that very Sun!.. hehhh.. one for her, one for her brother... n the other one for..... poor darling Fongky.. *chuckles... one sleepless night, plus a lot of walking... i hope u can imagine the tiredness.. but the tix were bought oredi.. n worst of all was that i knew bout the trekking before buying the tix... hahaa... but i really wanted to watch star wars... n it was really worth it! tho the plot is quite short, it links up everything nicely.. hehh.. shall b watching part 4 later... my bro has all parts 4-6 in dvd... nyanyaa... ;)

Friday, May 27, 2005

had two steaming hot tau sar pau n a dark cuppa coffee for lunch, jus the way that dear Alex would have prescribed it for an early morning, or to break the cold from the law library last time. haiz.. i m going back in time again, i know. it is sad. n was listening to symphony 92.4 jus now with the sad melody of Think of Me from Phantom of the Opera.

Some may say I lavish the word 'love' flippantly, on people and on things. Some may wonder if I really mean it, that I could simply quote, "I am falling in love over...", or "I m so in love with...", and "I love ... so much!" Whatever variations you may hear me say it. Yet love is not diluted over all these many things or people. For when I say "I love you", I mean it to the full extent of my feelings there and then, not a cent less. Of course, the following question to ask would be: "How long does your 'there and then' last?"... How long, indeed, I too wonder.

i finally read finish his writings that i printed out, all 45 pages of them. i laughed at some, pondered over others. perhaps i have come to understand him better, or at least come to the understanding that i do not know him that well after all. it took me by surprise how i could meet one of his characters over my church camp, and how i could experience first-hand what he described about her in words. n i fumbled over whether he would have, at one time, regarded my jokes and puns as stale. n wonder even more at what and how he would describe me as, to his friends or in his writings.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

jus here to say a quick 'hi' n update.. :)

anyway, i think i say n type enough bout my KL trip last weekend tho mb not here. will do a write-up on it n put it up online soon, i hope (mus practise my writing!). then got some photos, not many with me in it. will upload them soon to my yahoo photos.

funny how i tend to keep something online, n others offline.. hee.. before i forget, allow me to thank my dear sister Joy n her dearest momie for a most delicious dinner at her place last Fri. it reminded me loads bout Ipoh.. not to mention that i was the lucky brat who tasted her momie's cooking twice.. hehee.. *yumz!..

n sth else tt i found quite interesting, was telling my sisters.. heee.. i was bored on mrt one day (cant rmbr which day) then i did the most out-of-the-world thing. well, mb not to some of u. hehe.. i abused the bluetooth tech in my hp n went to seek other bluetoothed users.. hee... found two of them, then i sent pictures to them.. hey, it is free to send via infra-red n bluetooth, fyi.. hee.. but sadly, both rejected my "offer".. so heck.. tried another one.. then someone returned the favour n sent sth to me.. *so sweet!.. heee.. this is what u get for not having a love life.. *chuckles.. someone sent me a dancing piggie.. it's really cute.. i even set it as my screen saver.. hehee.. :P

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

eks.. i cant help it. i need to blog. haha.. i told myself tt i shd not come here til after i hv completed my writing, but i'm too tempted. i know it's a whole bunch of crap tt i type here, but it's okie, it helps my brain get on moving, rather than stuck at the mental block tt i find myself so often. n i've taken so many road detours tt i feel i m still getting nowhere in my writing.. hate the feeling.. wish i din jus begun writing, but tt i hv a showcase of works to choose from to submit for the writing competition. my fren is always so encouraging. she's almost done with hers (written in chinese).. til Thurs.. nothing is final til Thurs comes to an end.

i bought Simple Plan's latest album. haha.. finally cldnt resist that either. i dunno when i started to buy CDs, but they aint so bad after all. it comes with a DVD too, so tt's gotta make it worth the dollars. n onli after purchasing then i realise that i dun see the song tt i posted last week. i was a little caught in my nerves tt i wld b wasting all my money if that song isnt in that album. the guy re-assured me tt there were no new singles, n Simple Plan onli has 2 albums so far. it wasnt in the first one either. onli when i got back home, then the full assurance came. the song is also known as 'untitled'.. i even get to watch the mtv version online. it din really tie in with how i feel for the song, but it does speak a very loud msg.. go chk it out.. :)

n currently, as if i hv not told the whole world yet.. i am sick!... nth serious.. jus coughs n a small leak in the nose.. but it irritates me to the bone.. how m i sposed to enjoy my KL trip tis weekend? *darn..

Friday, May 13, 2005

a few words stuck in my head:

banal, rancor, rancidity...
suddenly tis song came to mind last nite n continues to haunt me today...

How Could This Happen To Me
Simple Plan

I open my eyes
I try to see but I'm blinded by the white light.
I can't remember how
I can't remember why
I'm lying here tonight
And I can't stand the pain
And I can't make it go away
No I can't stand the pain

How could this happen to me
I've made my mistakes
Got nowhere to run
The night goes on as I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life
I just want to scream
How could this happen to me

Everybody's screaming
I try to make a sound but no one hears me
I'm slipping off the edge
I'm hanging by a thread
I want to start this over again
So I try to hold
On to a time when
Nothing mattered
And I can't explain
What happened and I can't erase the things that I've done
No I can't

I've made my mistakes
Got nowhere to run
The night goes on as I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life
I just want to scream
How could this happen to me


updates: (backward)

yesterday, i went down to Liberte with a group of galfrens tis time - my batchmaties. we had a good jap meal, considerably cheap for jap food. i din eat anything raw tho chirashi was crying out to be ordered. no, i din. we shared their cold soba as a side dish. that was tantalizing. again the music at the lounge was too loud for our liking, very hard to talk there.. :(

managed to run 2 rounds at NTU.. phewww... thot i would die halfway.. almost din wanna run it for the 2nd round if not for the encouragement, or the lack of agreement for stopping.. *grinz.. (thx Sin!)..

n we - the foursome - managed to run to Orchard last Friday!! hehee.. the rain stopped jus nicely, n i simply love the lush smell of green. the fresh smell after a rain. tho cars were breezing by us, their smell was quite muffled. it reminded me very much of my first run to Orchard, about the same weather and feeling. n din was good too. i m falling in love with the small makan places at far east. food there is reasonably cheap, being in Orchard, n good too. n i get to savour canto.. love that language.. :D

oh, to share briefly on a success story about running too.. teehee.. *sheepish grin.. my 2nd brother managed to run to his "girlfren's" house somewhere near Bkt Gombak MRT.. after a few early morning runs with him, i'm so proud of him. well, our routes are usually short, medium n long n we hv to get up ard 530am! usu bcos of me as i hv to go work evry morning, not like that lucky brat who has afternoon or night shifts at times.. haiz.. my 2nd brother.. he's working his Romeo spell again.. at least i dun hv to worry bout him being gay anymore.. lol... mind u, there was a time i felt that way k!!.. :P


coming up:

tis weekend i will b gg for a 3D2N church camp.
a time for meditation. a time to think about God n my life.

Friday, May 06, 2005

thunder. lightning. rain.
my love for running compels me to hate them.
but i will still love.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

to seek happiness in solitude...

i decided on lunching alone, armed with a book to read. my lunch spot was re-routed to canteen 5, as i saw my postgrad n his wife walking towards my intended canteen B. so i went further to seek refuge, n from the geography of NTU, canteen 5 is not near. i went past the chinese heritage building n wondered what they have inside. i like the red brick walls, and windows set in the olden times.

enroute to canteen 5, i came into view of the yunnan pond. it was beautiful n breath taking at that time of the hour. the heat was cooler by the soft breeze as memory went back to a time at another place. the serenity was beckoning, n i wished i could lunch there. alas, no shelter and it would be grilling to be under the hot sun.

the food in canteen 5 was nowhere near canteen 2, n i shd hv opted for canteen 4 when i passed by there. however both lacked in variety. lunch was over in a jiffy and it was not a place i would want to remain for long, not even to read my book. so i shifted elsewhere, to have a cuppa. i went past the chinese heritage building again, n saw the 204 steps i climbed before. being the scientist that i m, i decided to repeat my experiment n see if i counted correctly. i shdn't hv doubted myself cos now it came to 205 steps. i guess a third counting is very much in need to justify the correct number of steps now.

of cos, i m not all so bonkers a scientist. partly my reason to ascend the great height was the french cafe in the admin annexe building. it wasnt a new place, but one tt i had in mind to try out for some time. n today was no better day (since, yes, it is very much a slacker's day). it was much to my disappointment as there wasnt much selection of cakes and coffee. i had my usual cuppa, n read a little more. the place was quite hot too, considering that i was sweltering after the climb. then it rained a little, and i cooled down. it felt better than. even i felt better.

now i'm back in my lab. again in solitude. everyone is gone. but it's okie. i guess i can once again be happy in solitude. :)

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

oh yea, forgot to blog bout the eventful thurs nite. *chuckles.. went to hunt for the free red wine at CHIJMES with Fongky. hehee.. yea yea, alcoholic.. or mb the pull for free stuff is stronger and it made my skin thicker too. had to ask this other dining place first where the ladies nite would be, n those girls were very helpful too. i guess mb one alcoholic can see thru to the other one. i'm sure those girls had their fill before. *grinz..

our entrance to Liberte wasnt a grand one. it made us felt so guilty, so cheapskate. hehee.. one mus bear with the price of gg for free stuff.. so we stuffed ourselves with calamari tho we were then quite full. the red wine was okie, not those of very low or distasteful standard. it mus hv cost the place a bomb to host ladies nite, that may b why it was not written anywhere on their board. it was a cool hang-out place, only that the music got louder by the hour. but i like the feel inside the place. two glasses of red wine, n i dare not go for a third. they din offer to fill up my wine glass anyway. they were probably trained not to ask, not to serve unless requested. my alcoholic tolerance is wearing off by and by. one day i may jus get drunk by drinking beer alone.

One Night Stay at Orchard Road

I had been to Orchard to "torn" before. It was not new to me, but it was always in a big crowd and for festive occasions like Christmas eve or New Year eve. Last Thursday was a first for me alone with my faithful friend FK - a girl. There was no presence of any male egoism, and it pleased me so to be able to exude that independence from them. I felt that there was never a need for them to start off with. But as the night darkened, I harkened and grew more fearful of my surroundings. The night surrounded by light did not feel safe anymore, not as safe as it was with the warmth of male companionship.

However the pleasure of chatting with a girlfriend and of sharing a wonderful experience together was paramount. It was late, and though ceaseless thoughts of the open option to hop onto a taxi to take us home were very inviting. Yet neither of us succumbed to it. Perhaps there was a secret mission unknown to ourselves as to why we were there that night.

The hours dripped slowly by. One learns that when one waits, one ages. The first train was slow in the coming. And already FK and I were quite a sack of nerves. We had prowled from where we were seated in the hazy light of Mandarin Meritius towards the shadows of Orchard MRT, but the train station did not receive us. And again the car came to haunt us. Goodness must be so strong and inculcated in this lonely driver, else all wickedness prevailed. I took side on none, but pondered about which verdict would have been correct. My great fear that he would stop and jump out of the car to grab us did not materialize. Thank God.

Our walk towards the shadows also allowed us to brush shoulders with a prostitute. If my first sight of them in Geylang not that many weeks ago was an eye-opener, this one would be the opener to the other closed eye. She was dressed demurely and almost like any other young lady. I did not suspect anything until FK pointed out to me. Sure enough, we observed her as she went from one man to the other. At that hour and she was there. Strange things do happen when you are out in Orchard for a night.
yes, Dogville is certainly something I'd never expect. Its name sounds dodgy, and perhaps a 2nd class movie. But no, Dogville is now highly recommended, and of world class standard! I really enjoyed the movie last night over at Fongky's. Without her, the movie would have been non-existence for me. *thanx gal!

The part that striked me the most is that Grace is arrogant. I like the way her father depicted it. How she forgave and condone the acts of others, and it was all because she was arrogant. And Grace was like grace. She wasn't really needed by the town, in fact she was there to provide what did not need to be done, but that which you won't mind being done for you. First came the acceptance of Grace, then to forgive her, and finally to take her for granted, and to take advantage of her. And for all that, Grace is arrogant!

Other highlights in my life:

I permed my hair!!! Hahaa.. I did not want to publicize this yet until I have shocked enough people. And bless Fongky for bringing her camera as she came over to NTU to visit. I've posted my new hairdo in my yahoo photos, though don't expect too drastic a change. I decided to spare my hair from highlighting, and somehow I felt it would be very unlike me to have any other hair colour except black.

Last Friday my boss went to Swizterland with one of my postgrad students, so currently I can slack all I want in lab, considering that I don't have much ado. The postgrad is not that enthu to teach me, and neither am I that enthu to learn LC-MS (i'll spare those non-science people the "gory" details of this technique). Plus, he did not know much, so I'll just wait till my other postgrad come back, and he's more sure, I hope! So yesterday was my super slack day after the long weekend. And since Fongky popped by, we went with another friend to the coffee place in NIE as he is part-timing there. Even he doesn't know what the name of the place is, but it is cosy and I won't mind spending a whole afternoon reading. Coffee is remarkably cheap too, as you get somewhere near Coffee Bean standard. Hm, when else would I be able to find time off to sit and read there, I wonder. My boss will be back next Monday.

Today is so-so a slack day. Managed to catch a wink of two 20minutes interval while doing experiments. Then momie called during lunch hour and I had to go Jurong Point to help her open a bank account because the bank requested for a PR holder to sign credibility for her good character (what kind of new rule is this?!). So I went during my 1-hour interval. The heat today is unbearable. It gave me a splitting headache, and I was thinking of downing coffee from BoonLay to conquer drowsiness but time was not on my side. And I parted with $10 for a charity partly because the volunteer was too fast a speaker and partly because I was still in a half-dazed state. I just wanted him to go away. And for that $10 I got a booklight, so now I can use that to read books until late at night without disturbing my mother too much.

I'm craving for a run, the $3 cheesecake from the new cafe in my school, and the 50cents coffee from BoonLay NTWU.