Sunday, July 10, 2005

i'm BACK!! haha.. miss me, miss me? *grinz..

tt's all i'm gg to say for now. came back late after din with my bro n his gf (tt's the potential someone i mentioned b4.. hehe..), n kinda tired after unpacking tho my mom is the one doing all the laundry duty... hee... :P

then tmr (or rather later today) i'll b hitting the coast with Fongky (!!!) for a 5-click event organised by NUS.. hmm.. i need the run after what i hv pocketed in my tummy.. hehh..



Anonymous said...

I'm still not back...Hehe...Did you get the pig card?...J...

lil piggie said...

heyyy.. u oso another spoiler.. hahaa.. i jus heard from Fongky tt u'd be out n traveling now eh?.. aiks.. i jus sent u a card to ur Konstanz addie.. how how? can salvage the card somehow? else u'll miss what remains of the sposedly surprise card.. hehh.. :P

n yups, thanx for the piggie card, got it.. hvnt decoded the German it yet tho.. ;)

Anonymous said...

Travelling from Saturday onwards, but coming back to Konstanz. Takes abt a wk for things to be received...Can still salvage it...
I'll decode the German for you when I'm back...All the best climbing Mt K...And see ya soon...