Monday, July 25, 2005

a chinese song i heard from 93.3fm:

shun shi zhen (clockwise) - Gigi Leung
i caught n understood onli fragments of tis song, n these are what i made of it

Love is not like this
And you've stolen my time
What you've said,
do you still intend to keep it?

I don't want to sit alone
to think about the past
because time can never return
to that point of beginning.

Sometimes I try to think
of myself before this love
Yet I know
I can never be that person again.

I just want to sit,
let the wind blow past.

i know it's not word for word translation, n i miss out quite a bit. this is what i caught n what made the song meaningful to me. nowadays i see, hear n feel the multitude of ppl's needs, ppl's problems, ppl's hurts... mine is onli so little. yet they are mine n tt's what matters. and God cares, so all the more i cling onto Him.

on a lighter, less abstract note, i've been hanging out with the freshmen, n they're a joy to be with. so innocent. i've a few guys who wld single me out to talk. haha.. good-looking too. but yea, too young. *grinz. oh well, if someone can hv favourite girls, i dun see why i cant hv favourite guys. heee.. went to Sentosa with them yesterday, n saw the musical fountain, could b said for the first time bcos i've not seen the show for a long time n golly, it has changed so much! hehh.. got balls of fire too.. amazing..

looking forward to seeing those fellas again. :)


sin said...

oh well, if someone can hv favourite girls, i dun see why i cant hv favourite guys.


ice_kachang said...

It's not so much of age but maturity-wise right? But then again freshmen...(stereotype in mind)...yah...

lil piggie said...

u see, when i become less abstract, ppl can understand what i say.. or at least clearer at who i'm targetting at lar.. :P

and what's the stereotype in mind??

ice_kachang said...

hmm..freshmen being just out of NS (i.e. still v young n without much exposure in life) may not be v mature? but well, the reverse might not hold true too.

lil piggie said...

oh, me not talking bout spore freshmen la.. hehe.. these bunch of ppl i'm hanging out with are foreigners, mostly Msians. but they're quite blur n innocent.. haha..