Monday, January 10, 2005

went for my qualifying test today to enter intermediate class in JCS. that was what set off the doldrums for today... i din half expect it to be that hard. n i focused on the wrong context too, went too much into kanji and vocab, when i shd hv revised on my grammar. haiz.. n the saddest part being that i could hv answered everything becos i hv learnt them b4. o well.. i can always take another qualifying test n enrol for their intensive intermediate class later this year in May... which may b a better option since i would b around the take the qualifying tests with others, n that would entitle me to choose better time-slots than what they can offer me now..

went for a short shopping spree in Bugis, but somehow the mood wasn't set in for shopping, and the Christmas effect has rubbed off on me even though more things are on sale now, esp U2. I jus managed to buy a pair of pants (which i was wearing today) when i went out with my frens for dinner last week. today, nothing seemed to appeal to me, which is good, cos i shdnt b spending. haa.. even my language sounds languid, n in need of much lifting up. soon, soon, bear with me a little while longer..

it's funny how things seem to look so differently when u're in a different mood. how the food doesn't appeal as much, how my stomach doesn't seem to be hungry (even though before the test, I was thinking of snacking in this Jap restaurant which is having 50% discount on ala-carte dishes..), how the mrt seems much more crowded... it's funny too, that this is not altogether that funny, and yet I use the phrase "It's funny..." to describe those things... and ya da ya da ya da...

Okie.. i promise to cheer up. today started off fairly well actually. even my postgrad student treated me filet-o-fish meal for lunch. i thot he would jus buy the burger, but he went ahead and bought a meal set for me. how touching. n all the while, he was asking me to treat him.. aiks.. next time, there will come a time when i will indeed treat him and his wife (he's married, mind u, readers, in case any funny thoughts come into your mind bout him treating me..)..

and the house... well, it's almost done with painting. :)
haiz.. honestly speaking, i need to take up ownership of the house. somehow, it never gets into my head that it would be my own house, my home. cos the house is under my brothers' names, n oso i always hav this thing about going to Japan n staying there for dunno how many odd years... so when it comes to deciding on things for the house, well, i jus dun think i shd b the one making the decisions. so mostly i leave it to my mom. i guess this is not right.. but i m so indecisive at times over such matters. n i find it so much easier to jus adapt, or make slight changes.. o well...

a lot more things to be done.. choosing the furniture.. packing.. then unpacking.. ... ...

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