Friday, January 14, 2005

the quiltmaking talk

my Dean is quite an arty person. if anyone knows what "The Broadway Boogie Woogie", my Dean said the foyer was designed based on that piece of art. (well, i jus did a google chk to get my spelling right, n out of curiosity, went to hv a look at how the art looks like, n blimmey, i dun think the sch foyer has any resemblance to that artpiece, unless i hv mistaken what my Dean took as the foyer...)

well, thanks to my Dean, we had a quiltmaking lecture given by the visiting professor's wife. this is not, at any means, to please the invited guest, but the wife is really qualified n well known in her field. imagine her to hav won many national n international prizes for her quilting! i'm amazed. one of the prize i rmbred amounted to US$12000!!! not a small sum either! n she started quilting on her own, learnt it all by herself. n her quilting is quite a style of her own. i quite enjoyed her easy-going conversive lecture (why cant they give bio lecture like this dear elderly lady?!), n quite inspired by her as well, mb to invest some time to do some artwork of my own. hee..

n thanks to Sin, too, for a wonderful mini art exhibition last nite. me n Steff went over to visit a good fren, who i assumed to be still sick, but thankfully he has recovered (yayy.. jogging next week with me at NTU!!), so i brought a lot of healthy stuff. *chuckles.. but Sin, u got to admit the veggie drink tasted good after all.. hehee.. n yea, ur art.. keep it up!!.. from nothing, it can become something.. jus like the quiltmaking lesson i learn today.. :)

the insurance talk

after the compulsory seminar given by the invited professor this evening, which wasnt all too bad. got me more aware about the therapeutic stage for AIDS currently, why it is still failing to act as a cure.. i guess the most alarming n oblivious fact to me was the number of people who hv died from AIDS.. totalled to 40million ppl... tt's a lot.. well, after this talk, i met up with my fren to talk bout insurance. we had dinner first tgther with her bf (thx vvayz!!! :))

insurance.. i wld say it's not more of a protective measure for me. but what she said, there's some pt too. tt while i m still healthy i shd buy insurance coverage for myself, so tt the insurance policy will not b limited or certain benefits will not be excluded due to my state of health when i buy later in life. i never thot of tt before, cos it is more of investment or savings for me at the moment. but insurance is very subjective, very personalised, so it depends on individuals what they need. haha.. i sound like i can start selling insurance.. hmm.. hee.. :P

anyway, we left it at a point of "to be continue" cos she needed to draft out some plans n see what wld suit me. but for the benefit of confidentiality, i shall not put out a detailed conclusion when it has been decided... hehh... jus wanna share out my thots n views onli ma.. n what i hav been up to today ma.. :)

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