Wednesday, January 05, 2005

my dental experience.

yeps. i went down to the dentist today, to have my teeth inspected and see whether they were fit for wearing braces. heee.. it was those things that i did out of vanity, n i had always wanted to put braces on since back in my teenage years. heh hehh.. well, my undergrad students hav braces in their mouth, n one of them had a dental postgrad do it for her at a flat rate of $2000! so that was really cheeeep!!.. hehehee.. yea, szeyung the cheepskate.. :P

anyway, i asked my dental undergrad fren if she needs any patients to put braces on, so she recommended her fren for me. in a way, i was helping her, n she was also helping me to cut cost. today's x-ray onli cost me $12.. hehee.. so cheeeep!!! akakaa... but there were a lot of things i hav to comply with. she needs to do a facial profiling of me.. sounds chim eh? well, it's jus looking at my face contours.. in crude terms, she simply stared at me, n she was politely telling me to bear with it.. hehee.. it was kinda fun.. but i guess it was more of work for her.. poor gal.. she has a quota (ie. number of patients) to meet, n once she meets that quota, well, that jus means she gets to sit for her final exams.. hehh.. some kinda reward, that is!

oh, n she oso did a teeth cast for me. she used some seaweed extract n mint powder, mixed it in water to form some plaster-like material, put on a metal casing then chuck that into my mouth. hee... i thot it would take a long time to dry up, but it onli took less than a minute!.. so cool!!!... *grinz..

next time she might do scaling n some cleaning up for me. i think that would be necessary cos i hav not been to the dentist for the past 2 years.. *blush*.. not a very good habit. hehh.. but that would onli cost me $4!! cool.. so cheeep!.. hehee.. ^^

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