Sunday, August 01, 2004

heh.. shd be churning out cover letters for my job application.. but the mind does wonder.. n lookie here.. this is where my fingers brought me to.. haha.. anyway, i realise that this is what blogging is to me, an escape from reality.. akakaa...

bottomline for this week: i've gained weight. *shrieks*

well, i wun b so bothered if i din go shopping today for a new pair of jeans. desperately needed one bcos my old one got torn. n no, it wasnt bcos i put on so much weight that it bursted at the seams.. though that happened for my nice black pants this week too.. but well, la la la la... i was talking bout my jeans.. n it was a good worthy 6-year old jeans. bought it in Miri, Sarawak before i came to Spore, so it served its time. g'bye my faithful jeans.. but i guess i shall soon transform it into shorts since it got torn at the knee part.. dun ask how i tore it.. it jus got torn, k..

as for the pants.. well, my jeans was a goner, so i wore my black pants for my bookshop work, n i guess it was too much of a squatting, getting up, stretching here n there.. n it finally bursted.. it was embarrassing, but thank God, in a way, cos it was at the end of the day n Coop was closing.. but i still had cell group that nite.. haiz.. was contemplating not to go, but well, being the good Christian girl that i always am.. *lightning* .. akaka.. anyway, thankfully my long Tshirt could conceal though it was not comfy knowing the idea that ur pants bursted..

sigh.. i din really get much of a dinner tonite too. lost appetite.. haha.. nah, dun worry.. it's not bcos of what happened. it was bcos of what has happened.. try to understand the grammar. LOL..

p/s: Happy Birthday Dad. :)

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