Friday, August 27, 2004

And i got a job!... hehehee... it's like a dream come true, but i knew this dream would not come true if not for God. no kidding... i felt ever so insecure about getting this NTU job after I went for the interview. cos the prof was telling me that he was certain to hire me due to my good academic background. n he hadnt seen my academic transcript then, so it was a testing time when i had to send in my full formal application form to NTU, together with copies of my transcript. every waiting day from then on was a torture.

and something happened on Sunday night. my roomie happily told another of my classmate who was also looking for job about this prof. cos she happened to see my prof's name card on my comp table, and my classmate was online asking her who this prof was that i went for interview, so she told her. at first, i was angry, and felt ever so threatened. n my roomie knew that. she was apologetic, but at that time, saying sorry was jus not what i needed to hear. so i went to the living room to be alone to read the Bible, cos i knew i really need God then. alas, my bro n my mom had to come out, so my last refuge was the toilet!.. haha.. yes, i spend a short while in there to read, to pray.. i was ever so ashamed for my anger, n then for my insecurity. but i really wanted the job. all i can say in my prayers was that 'God, if it's your will to give me that job, then it will be mine', but i prayed hard that i would get a job by this week.

n the reply came only on tuesday night. i gave up checking my email that day n waiting until really late at night before i went online. n viola, an email from my prof. my heart was so feeble, so scared. but phew, i got it!!! hahahaa... so thankful to God. He came true for me, not only this once, but many times before. but it's good to be reminded of His goodness, and yesh, Fongky, good things come to those who wait. ;)

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