Monday, August 30, 2004

finally bought my Reebok running shoes. yesh.. it has to be Reebok. haha.. not that i am such a Reebok girl, not yet but soon to be. well, i hav this $40 voucher from Big Walk to spend n it expires at the end of this month. n golly, this month does fly by fast! so i had to buy my shoes this Sunday, cos i dunno when else i would be going out. anyway, the condition to get the $40 voucher is onli if u spend $100+ on Reebok products in Royal Sporting House, so that explains why Reebok.. but i like Reebok too, so no qualms bout spending almost a $100 on Reebok stuff.. heee.. (yesh, i'm terribly broke now. waiting for my pay day next week from my part time work)

ooh.. something interesting that my fren told me bout new shoes. she's oso a regular marathon runner n she shared how new shoes need to be broken before u can really run in them with ease, esp for marathon when u're gonna be in those shoes for long dist. well, that is sth new for my ears.. "to be broken".. reminded me of how horses need to be broken before they can be ridden by human.. haha.. so that was what i did after i bought my shoes. i went for a run tonite, n gosh, i feel like i can fly in those shoes.. haha.. they're so wild.. perhaps it's the sudden freedom from the shoe box.. haha.. will jog more often now to tame the shoes for the real thing.. which is like a few more weeks from now.. *gulps*

o yea.. got my first sports bra. hahaa.. shdnt b putting this up online, but heck.. it's my first time getting one, so there's a big hu-hah bout it for me.. huhuhu.. then got another Reebok top.. red coloured one.. wuhuhuu.. can wear for church combined service next time cos the youth network is always wearing red n i always fail to find a nice red top.. okie okie, i dun like spending money to buy a red top, esp i know i might not wear it out that often.. but this Reebok top is accounted for in the $40 voucher, n the CCK branch doesnt seem to hav much Reebok stuff, so well.. a red Reebok top it is then.. hehe..

all in all, i hav crossed another item off my shopping list.. ;)

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