Friday, September 03, 2004

i got a new handphone!! true to what people tell me: 'if the old one doesnt go, the new one will not come'... well, to the oblivion of some, i lost my hp on tues, left it in the toilet. that was a tormentous day for me, to lose my hp.. n i'm near broke.. so how to buy new hp?!

then how do i get a new hp? hehehe.. actually i still feel strange n uneasy bout this whole thing. nothing wrong with the hp.. i hav already fell in love with it.. it being a motorola, n it being a flip-flop phone which i hav always wanted. well.. sth is definitely wrong with the giver though.. for one, i dun really know this guy; he's a regular customer from the bookshop n i barely knew him lo.. jus talked to him stimes. n he jus gave me the hp like that lehh..!!

well, i did ask him on that day that i lost my hp if he was in the business of buying n selling hps as well.. amazingly he told me that he could get one for me. i told him i wanted a motorola flip flop, but i couldnt pay much. say ard $150-200 onli. then the next day (wednesday) i decided not to buy 2nd hand hp cos i'd rather save money n help my bro buy his hp first then i can use his old one. but then on thursday, that guy jus dumped the hp at me. i was like "..." *speechless*. at first i thot he wanted to sell to me, then i would hav to decline cos i decided not to buy liaoz.. but no, he said give me wor.. all the more i was "..."

then my other part time colleague (the old gentleman) said that this is the benefit of being a girl.. all the more i felt uneasy.. hm.. come to think of it, i hav always been telling ppl that i dun mind having a rich husband.. perhaps i was looking at the wrong age group for that.. should aim for older ppl.. hahaha.. ppl near or in their forties.. :P

p/s: Happy Birthday, Mom.
May u like ur new son-in-law.. akakaa..

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