Friday, July 30, 2004

today, there is going to be a new addition to the Chin family.. no, not another daughter-in-law, n definitely not a son-in-law.. that one is not ready yet.. akaka... well, i'll be having a new roomie.. hehehe... no, i'm not talking about my momie.. *grinz.. me agreed to house my fren for a month's trial n see how she likes it here.. apparently her name has a Chin in it too.. so a rare addition to my family indeed.. well, it's gonna be fun, n she's shifting in today.. hehehe.. this will help her when she starts working this Sunday.. then she doesnt need to travel all the way from JB to Spore to work.. well well well.. this is going to be fun, i guess this is me on a return back to hall life.. hehee.. :D

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