Friday, July 23, 2004

i shd be sleeping, but heck.. mb jus a line or two. it has been another long while since i came here. heck, why does the font looks so nice in the create post page that i am typing now? mb i shall change the font in my blogpage soon, or mb revamp the whole site.. getting too boring with the blue sky, when all u can see day in, night out is the dark grey sky..

well, convo is really done n over with. n this crazy girl went there like 8 times. hehh.. record breaking, eh? well, i took a lot of photos too. when i get the time, i shd upload them n share them here.. hee.. :)

momie is now busy looking for a new house for my brothers to buy n settle in. it would be good then. finally a house to call our own, not that the one i'm staying in is any less, but there would be a different feel to the new house. of course, it would be bigger. big enough to house a doggie for my 2nd brother. dun ask me why he's so enthu bout getting a doggie. i dun mind. haha.. okie, i will own up to it that i'll be so thrilled to hav one in the house. over the weekend of my birthday, there was a shizu doggie that stayed over cos my bro's fren was shifting house. it was the most adorable, almost soft toy-like. i guess it was then that the doggie flame was kindled in my bro's heart. jus hav to learn how to deal with the dung better in the park next time.. hmm.. takes skills n experience, know!

tired. was running jus now. needed to train. jus calculated the other day with fongky, n bro Teoh corrected my estimation of 10k per hour. mus b 10.5km/h, said he. can die.. then we'd b using the half marathon as our training ground.. to be completed in 2.5hours.. *gulp*.. n i jus did a 8*350m in less than 20mins, n the pace was not slow at all.. imagine if i hav to keep up at that for the next 220mins! i can really die... somebody help me.. take me out of this craze...

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