Wednesday, July 07, 2004

my poor abandoned blog.. haha.. lemme liven u up with a few headlines that are a-happening in my life right now:



haha.. that shd about summarise the hu-hah in my life right now. let's see.. for the smaller details, i went back to sch on Mon, the day before my convo. there was this feeling of emptiness in me, the kind that i always get when i'm about to leave a place, about to move on. well, since i was at OSA to collect my ECA testimonial, i thot, hey, why not a walk up memory lane?

there has been so much construction in that building lately. even the "fish tank" is now more colourful. shall wait until it's near exam time before one can see the fish start swarming in the "tank". hehe.. but the engine bridge was most disappointing. it was still under construction, n i suddenly recalled the picture in the book 'turn left, turn right' where the fountain was under construction. sigh, such similarities felt cos the place held so much meaning to me in my yester-years of studying in NUS, as i think it held for the two characters in the book.

convo day was great! managed to take photo with my lab ppl, even with my prof. hehh.. time to get my thesis binded so that i can give it to my prof tgether with the photos. n it was good to be able to graduate tgether with all my batchmates. we took so many photos tgether on the staircase after the whole ceremony.. the camera was jus flashing n flashing.. n i guess a lot of ppl was wondering when were we ever getting off from that staircase.. hee.. too bad we had to hoard it for a while, well, mb a longer while.. hehh..

then brother Teoh was of much help. (yea, Seanie, mus thank ur brother for being there.. heee..) he being the photographer.. hahh, i think i abuse him that night.. then again, what are frens for.. hehee.. :)

okies, i gotta be off for another of my fren's convo this morning.. chiaoz ppl.. u will be hearing from me again soon..

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