Saturday, July 24, 2004

yesh, i shd b sleeping again at this hour of the night.. but my mind wun give me rest until i say out what is kept bouncing off the neural networks in there.. well, today i had an eye opening time at a Buddhist temple. not my 1st time in a temple as my dad was a Buddhist last time, n i'd been to some before when i was young. but ever since becoming a Christian, i guess i hav not as much stepped into one, jus walked past onli.

well, finally i get to feel what it is like to be on the other side. when i read the book about Buddhism, i could not really understand what it was saying. when my fren told me bout what he believed in, i could not share his belief. then i paused n wondered, is this how it has been like for the people who i hav approached n shared my faith with? were they of the same state as i was today?.. if yes, then finally i can understand why..

but it was a good time spent anyway. strange, n seemingly out of place for me to go there.. but heck, if u know me, i'll do anything not only for the fun of it, but also to satisfy my curiosity. hehh.. i wonder when my curiosity will kill me.. :P

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