Friday, March 19, 2004

practically ran down the green staircase this morn, thinking that something was following me from behind. hehh, actually this was aggravated by seeing a man in black (totally black!) walking up the road towards KE7 as i was crossing the road to the green staircase.. heart thumping, adrenaline pumping.. i walked faster so that the guy wun see me, then while there was still light at the staircase, i tumbled down the steps. hehh.. *spooky* i really shd considering taking the long route next time. i hate being so routine, just to play safe, so i shd switch between the routes so that anyone who wanna set a trap might jus b waiting for nothing.. Lol... [me jus thinking of the extreme cases here, watched too many homicides on TV].. :p

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