Monday, March 22, 2004

my mind was restless, my body crying... and my feet, well, they went running.. Lol... :p

>>>The Security Guard

As I was walking back after my Monday jog, I chanced upon meeting him walking down the slope in the opposite direction. It was him, I couldn't be mistaken as I could remember him the first time I saw him. But does he remember me? He must have seen so many faces that the next one he sees would just register familarity and not a hint of identity. Yet how could I not remember him?

It happened that very first night I spent at PGP. I came back very late, it may well be the first time I travelled along that route so familar to my night vision now. Imagine, my very first night, and I came back ever so late. Then I realised that my card was spoilt and the lift wouldn't grant me access to my floor. As if that whole day wasn't bad enough, and it was my first day at PGP. It took me a round-trip back to the foyer where I spotted a lady guard to see what she could do for me. Then, the Fire Command Centre sounded so foreign to me, and I had to ask for direction. Tears would have pinched my eyeballs if they hadn't been drained out earlier with the soap opera in my lab. Then, came the security guard to the rescue. I was ever so grateful to get immediate action from the security post at the basement. I guess they could distinguish a newcomer and give more courtesy, or were the puffy eyes showing from below the shadows of my forehead? That was how I got to know the security guard.

Where is my security guard now? He doesn't know me anymore.

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