Sunday, March 14, 2004


that's the magical word for today. heh.. something that can motivate me on in whatever i'm doing now. Lol. was talking to my post-doc staff in my lab, n he was sharing with me his experiences in travelling. man, that guy is so cool! he has been staying at so many places he can even boasts about the different PRs he has collected! darn, that's sth that i'll love to do, too. n i onli hav my brunei PR now.. haiz, well, it's a start anyway.. :p

and yea, he told me bout his backpacking experiences. he spent 6mths backpacking in Aussie.. waa... cool!! then he mentioned that there are organisations for backpackers, then u can go on group backpacking so u wun backpack alone. yea, that'll b cool!.. n when u run out of cash, well, the backpacker bulletin board has a list of jobs u can take up.. yesh!! this is really cool.. hahaha.. sorry, i havnt got over the excitement of the day over this bit of meaty news..

hah, n i got my room re-organized after i got back from church too. yea... now, it's no longer the comp by the bedside, but it's back on the table so i can start doing some serious work. yeps.. got lotsa data to analyze, n my labmate cant believe that i din know how to use a particular software to analyze my data, esp when i've been collecting data for so long... hehh.. that's me.. too proud to ask my lab RA, but it's okie to b dumb in front of my own peers.. hehh.. :p

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