Thursday, March 18, 2004

and there is light! hee.. after two nights without light in the kitchen, it's almost unbearable, esp when i come back quite late n i wanna cook sth. haiz.. hehh.. :p

oh, today was lotsa fun. actualli these few days in my lab, all the ppl there (me inclusive) jus went bonkers. Lol. we're jus mad lar. too stressed? hmm, mb. anyway, tmr is my boss' bday so we had a potluck session today. it was lotsa fun. me, n two other labbie frens prepared apple pie (hee, my specialty so far, i think..) n brownie.. yea.. the brownies.. sigh.. after the bad experience at west spring sec sch (the sch i'm doing my mentoring), i realli thot it was the brand of the brownie.. but today i made the discovery that the brownie needs to be COOLED so that it will harden. Lol. i can still recall kelvin saying that it tasted like 'nien kow' - the cake u eat fried during chinese new year. hahaa..

well, seem like this week i'm plagued with cooking sessions.. haha.. tmr's my other fren's bday too. so me shall attempt to bake her a cake. ahem... hee.. another fren making lasagnia.. yumz.. now i can learn sth then mb try out on my guinea pigs.. :p then Sun, another fren who's dying to eat pancake shall come over n make pancake.. hehehe.. yea, realli a cooking week, this week shall b.. n me, i'll b so well fed, feeling fat (it rhymes, it rhymes! :p)...

now, to digest the food for the brain... data n more data... *bonkers*

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